Most Tex Avery related news are at: – Bright Lights Film Journal - Pop reviews and in-depth analyses of current and classic films from around the world.

BLFJ Issue #81 (August 2013) Now Live 24 Aug 2013 | 02:56 am

The new issue of BLFJ (81 | August 2013) is now live. The issue table of contents appears below. From the Editor Features What Becomes a Legend Most - Gordon Thomas Fritz Lang Adapts the Nibelungenlie...

A Stranger Arrives in Town: Francis Coppola’s TWIXT (2011) 19 Aug 2013 | 03:57 am

How do you begin a story?  If I told you a story begins with the arrival of a stranger in town, you would probably think I was talking about a Western, since the number of Westerns that begin in this ...

More Tex Avery related news:

Droopy 28 Aug 2007 | 08:42 am

Droopy & Tex Avery.

Thank you Sir. 18 Jan 2010 | 08:07 am

Prendre un extrait d'animation 2D et le refaire en 3D Un baiser de "the Girl" et les personnages de Tex Avery devienne foooouuuuu!!!! Même le très flegmatique Droopy.

Critique | Ice Age: Continental Drift – Amusement pour les petits 14 Jul 2012 | 04:47 am

J’ai toujours adoré la franchise Ice Age (L’ère de glace), notamment en raison de la présence de Scrat, écureuil fou qui rappelle d’ailleurs celui de Tex Avery! De plus, depuis le premier long métrage...

Eye-Opening Face Lifts 3 Apr 2013 | 05:00 am

Your eyes bug out, they pop, and you notice that other people are doing the Jim Carrey/Tex Avery (animation) eye-popping effect too. Could it be because you just had a face lift and eye lift too? Surg...

Dead On This Day August 26 27 Aug 2013 | 01:35 am

Check Out Those Dead On This Day August 26 Tex Avery was an American animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director, famous for producing animated cartoons during The Golden Age of Hollywood animatio...

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today 26 Aug 2013 | 05:34 pm

Yesterday’s News Today On this day in 1980 animation legend Tex Avery died. And now the news: Kenya: 3,000 donkeys take 'annual leave' from owne... Swordfis...

Décès un 26 août, éphéméride 26 Aug 2013 | 11:41 am

le Journal du Funéraire Pas de journée internationale répertoriée Ils nous ont quittés un 26 aout : 1980 : Tex Avery, réalisateur de films d’animations. Il est à l’origine du style farfelu des cart...

Vergleich der Layer-Anbieter 19 Aug 2009 | 01:47 am

Wer in Besitz einer gut besuchten Internetseite ist, muss nicht nur für den Server und die Domain zahlen, sondern kann mit dieser Seite auch etwas Geld verdienen. Möglich sind einfache Banner oder Tex...

Djur och Datorer på Flickr 5 Apr 2011 | 06:59 am

Husdjur är galet populärt på Flickr. Djur över huvudtaget. Antagligen är det så att tex katter är en av anledningarna till att internet finns. Katter är superviktiga för människor kattbilder till näst...

The Sworn Sword (The Hedge Knight II) by George R. R. Martin, Ben Avery and Mike S. Miller 15 Jan 2010 | 11:13 am

Here is the follow-up to The Hedge Knight. Apparently this is too new for reviews. But you don't need them, if you have read the first graphic novel, you know you're in for a treat because The Sworn S...

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