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Mallika Sherawat walks out of Kundan Shah's 'Masquerade' 3 Jan 2008 | 01:58 am

Mallika Sherawat walks out of Kundan Shah’s ‘Masquerade’ Mallika Sherawat, who was very excited about working in Kundan Shah’s film Masquerade, walked out of the film. Touted as one of the most chall...

Shah Rukh Khan is a hit in south too 3 Jan 2008 | 01:57 am

Shah Rukh Khan is a hit in south too Now this is the story of the day. Guess what? Shah Rukh Khan has gone where no Hindi film actors have gone before. The trade reports coming in from Kerala have it...

Aata Movie Review 19 Nov 2011 | 07:28 pm

BT Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars (1.5/5) No Game Changer! Ok people, debutant Sumanth Shailendra can bend it like Shah Rukh Khan. In almost every song of the film, the dude slightly bends his knees, lean...

26.07.2010 27 Jul 2010 | 02:07 am

Politics & the Nation Amit Shah surrenders After ducking the CBI for four days, former Gujarat home minister Amit Shah surfaced on Sunday before driving to the state capital and surrendering before ...

Video of Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena and Akon 11 Mar 2010 | 07:40 pm

This video shows the Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and hot actress Kareena Kapoor welcoming R&B singer Akon to the press conference organized in the honor of Akon. In this video, R&B singer Akon ...

Indian American Suicides – Can they be prevented by more awareness? 9 May 2012 | 04:28 pm

Guest post by Nipa Shah Suicides are a tragedy in any and all communities, no question about it. Just in the past three weeks, I heard of three suicides that have happened within a 60 mile radius in...

Schluss mit Abzocke von ZED und Schergen wie Vodafone: So gehts ( #vodafail ) (INSIDER) 29 Mar 2012 | 11:45 pm

Wir erinnern uns: Ein falscher Klick auf dem Telefon und schon ist man 4,99 Euro los. Warum sich Provider wie Vodafone dieses Geschäft nur ungern entgehen lassen, haben wir gestern geklärt. Da sich Vo...

Offener Brief an Vodafone: Wer mit Abzockern wie ZED dealt, ist selber einer (INSIDER) 28 Mar 2012 | 01:00 am

Liebes Vodafone Team, das Internet ist böse, ich weiß. Das Netz ist voller Gauner. Ich plage mich mit denen seit Jahren. Manchmal zerschießen sie mir deshalb meinen Server, mal schreiben deren Anwälte...

Churrascaria Plataforma Tribeca’s classic caipirinha recipe 16 May 2012 | 07:12 pm

The refreshing caipirinha (pronunced “ky-pee-REE-nyah ) is national cocktail of Brazil, consisting traditionally of only three ingredients: cachaça, sugar, and lime. Cachaça (pronounced “ka-SHAH-suh”)...

Jay Shah’s pilgramage to Mata Hinglaj 13 Jun 2011 | 10:06 pm

A few years ago, longer than I’d like to think about now, we met Jay Shah, who had come to Pakistan to visit Mata Hinglaj. Our offroad club took him to Hingol, and it was the start of a wonderful frie...

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