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More agave plants related news:

Mexico – Future Bio-Fuel Energy Leader 15 Mar 2011 | 02:31 pm

Agave Future Fuel Alternative MEXICO CITY- The plant used to make tequila may be the bio-fuel of the future for Mexico claim experts. The agave plant could be grown on almost 80 million acres of lan...

Tequila And The Agave Plant 24 May 2012 | 02:48 am

Tequila is made from a desert plant called “agave.” Agave stores its food reserves in a fashion that animals aren’t drawn to it. It has long bayonet-like spikes, and these bayonets make it rather tric...

Mexico – Future Bio-Fuel Energy Leader 15 Mar 2011 | 10:31 am

MEXICO CITY- The plant used to make tequila may be the bio-fuel of the future for Mexico claim experts. The agave plant could be grown on almost 80 million acres of land in Mexico and that land could ...

Olmeca Altos Plata Tequila Review 22 Jan 2013 | 01:00 pm

Tequila is an interesting spirit because like grapes, the agave plant is terroir-specific. This means that agave plants will reflect the conditions in which they are grown; soil, water, altitude, and ...

Drinks and Area Rugs 8 Feb 2013 | 02:29 am

by Interior Designer, Question: How are a Margarita and a Sisal area rug related? Answer: The have the same “mother!” In fact, its the Agave plant that is the common denominator h...

Jalisco's Blue Agave 4 Jul 2013 | 08:07 pm

Mexico may be famous for tequila but it's the striking blue agave plant that really deserves all of the recognition. The state of Jalisco, in Western Mexico, is where tequila was first developed from ...

Honeydew and Mezcal margarita with chipotle syrup 16 Aug 2013 | 12:34 am

Mezcal could be described as Tequila’s “smoky sister”. Both spirits are made with the piña (or heart) of the agave plant, and the distilling process is the same. But for Mezcal, the piñas are cooked i...

LE MIRACULEUX GUI 2 Jul 2011 | 02:06 am

Le gui est en fait une puissante plante médicinale utilisée depuis l’Antiquité. Les propriétés et références du gui en tant que « panacée » remontent aussi loin que les anciens Grecs et les druides. I...

LIFE ONE 11 Jun 2011 | 10:04 pm

Chaque jour, ma famille (y compris mes 4 enfants) prend un complément alimentaire appelé LifeOne, qui est une combinaison très spécialisée d’ingrédients naturels à base de plantes, sous forme liquide,...

5 steps to successfully planting a flower bed 9 Sep 2011 | 08:42 am

Do you want beautiful flowers in your backyard? If you're creating flower beds from scratch, follow these five steps and your gorgeous garden is right around the corner.

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