Most alan hewitt meditate related news are at:

22 Sep 2010 | 11:39 pm

Dear Friend, … If you find it challenging to completely relax and unwind… … If you feel overwhelmed by all the stress you have to cope with on a normal day… … If you find it difficult to “keep your...

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What role has meditation in Counselling and Psychotherapy? 30 May 2007 | 02:04 am

“This very earth is the Lotus Land of purity, and this very body the Body of Buddha.” This phrase originates with the Zen master Hakuin, cited by Alan Watts (1961, p.173). It has been paraphrased by ...

David Lynch speaks with Alan Colmes about his 16-country tour film Meditation Creativity Peace 9 Aug 2013 | 08:13 am

Award-winning filmmaker David Lynch speaks with Alan Colmes about his 16-country tour, teaching millions of struggling people how to achieve peace through Transcendental Meditation. Click on the title...

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