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Nieoczywiste plusy scrapowania 26 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm

Jak wszem i wobec wiadomo scrapowanie niesie ze sobą kilka plusów. O tych oczywistych pisać nie będę, wspomnę za to o takim, który odkryłam dosyć niedawno - poznawanie pozytywnych świrów. Kilka raz...

Kartka na 40. Urodziny 23 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm

Dziś mam dla Was kartkę, której wytyczne w pierwszym momencie mnie zaskoczyły :) Jak pogodzić na jednej kartce 40. urodziny, pracę w banku, bieganie i fitness??? Nie poddałam się jednak i długo prz...

More all good things related news:

Getting Back to Budgeting 16 May 2011 | 10:17 pm

The budget is an idea that goes in and out of vogue in the minds of American’s depending on just how good things are. The more money that seems to be coming in the less Americans are looking toward a ...

wired dress made up of wires 29 Aug 2010 | 02:04 am

LOL here we have another geeky dress for our geeky fellow The good thing about this dress is its made up of recycled wires Very telented designer designer Tina Sparkles made this dress for a fashion w...

stage access out of DocumentRoot in AS3 28 Sep 2007 | 02:28 pm

One of my first challenges in understanding AS3 was the idea that Stage and _root are no longer global (and this is a good thing). DISCLAIMER: In general, accessing root is considered a crap coding p...

When You Got A Good Thing - Lady Antebellum 14 Feb 2011 | 07:33 pm

Everybody keeps telling me I'm such a lucky man Lookin at you standin there I know I am Barefooted beauty with eyes that blue The sun shine sure looks good on you I swear Oh I can't believe I finally...

Pakistan outs CIA station chief 11 May 2011 | 06:15 am

Man, it’s a sure good thing we trust these guys, huh? It’s being reported that, as retaliation for being kept in the dark about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the Pakistani government has deci...

Hot Springs, N.C. 15 May 2008 | 01:59 pm

I’ve racked up another 67 miles on the Appalachian Trail and arrived safely in Hot Springs, a very small town which rolls up the sidewalks around 6. Good thing I got here at 3:30. I left Gatlinburg o...

All Good Things Trailer 22 Oct 2010 | 12:44 am

All Good Things is a love story and murder mystery based on the most notorious unsolved murder case in New York history. The original screenplay uses newly discovered facts, court records and speculat...

Cell Camp Comedy Troupe: It’s A Good Thing They Are Funny… 5 Jan 2010 | 09:09 am

…because they SUCK at writing emails. “Sometimes I’ll throw in a j/k, but only if I am really upset… j/k”. Richie Cross, one of the six members of the comedy troupe Cell Camp is answering a string o...


Balloon notifications can be annoying many a times. Good thing is they can be disabled easily in Windows 7. To disable balloon tips in the notification area, follow these Methods: 1. Using GPEdit (Gro...

Winners, high school and a “leaner” M5 HQ 17 Apr 2009 | 03:04 am

There are good things happening at MakeFive HQ. We moved, we’re lean(er), and we’re working like bananas on new features. Lean and mean Lately a big time-suck here has involved moving and getting sk...

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