Most amputation wannabe related news are at: – Just! Stevinho – ein ausgezeichneter Blog!

Darwin Award und Krokodile 27 Aug 2013 | 05:31 pm

Thies berichtete mir heute von folgendem Ereignis aus Australien: In Australien ist ein 24-jähriger Mann von einem Krokodil getötet worden. Traurige Geschichte. Traurig daran ist, dass deswegen mehre...

Wahl-Werbespots 27 Aug 2013 | 05:06 pm

“Good old” Thies hat mir heute folgende zwei Wahlwerbespots für die kommende Bundestagswahl geschickt. Achtet mal bei der FDP auf 1:19 und bei der NPD auf 1:08 – fällt Euch was auf? Ich frage mich be...

More amputation wannabe related news:

Internet Marketer WannaBe ? 9 Jan 2011 | 09:40 am

Hari ini 10-10-08 dengan Rahmat dan bimbingan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa saya luncurkan [Srat sret srot pitapun telah digunting dengan sukses, tumpengpun terpotong tanpa hambatan disertai plok ...

I For One AM SHOCKED 7 Jan 2011 | 07:50 am

Well here it is Thursday, I am in yet another wannabe comatose state dying to go back to sleep. Which as soon as I complete this I may just do that. Saw the oncologist Tuesday and we had a long talk a...

Got Motivation? 21 Jun 2011 | 07:52 am

Kyle Maynard, author of the book, “No Excuses” competes in the 2010 Crossfit Games. Kyle was born with a congenital amputation that affected both his arms and legs. To read more about Kyle’s incredibl...

:-( 13 Jan 2010 | 03:09 am

As the consequence of the avalanche accident in Vysoke Tatry, the right foot of Zsolt Erőss, mountain climber (first Hungarian ascent of Mount Everest) has been amputated. We are very sorry for Zsolt ...

Wannabe Artist... 22 Jul 2008 | 09:46 am

Though some would say it's quite sissy to admit, I'm not afraid to say it, I like art. Yeah, I'm a jock at heart... I love all sports, and while excelling at some, can even play average golf too... (o...

Baby Countdown : 7 Weeks to Go and Making a To Do List 13 Aug 2010 | 12:27 am

As of today it is only 7 weeks until the baby's due date and I have a feeling these next few weeks are going to fly by, so as any well organized wannabe would do I have made a LIST. There is something...

To Exit the Box 5 Jan 2011 | 02:20 pm

Beginnings are rough when done poorly, so sense behooves me to start the act richly, however such a policy encourages the crits to crit and the wannabes to freeze, so my beginning, this start, is roug...

Will the Apple iPhoney please stand up. Apple ifone, Apple ipone, Apple hiphone. 4 Feb 2010 | 07:37 pm

Ever heard of the Apple ipone or ifone or even hiphone? Neither have I. But apparently over 500,000 searches are done on google for these iPhone wannabe every month. I came to this conclusion while re...

Consumers Can Reduce Laser Hair Removal Cost 15 May 2012 | 05:53 pm

Men and women worth countless crop and procedures to amputate hair, practices which findings in repeated expenses that count optimistic above phase. Laser hair removal cost strength look as if luxurio...

Make Firefox 3 look like Windows XP Zune theme 3 Jan 2009 | 04:22 pm

We have already showed you how to turn your Windows XP machine into a Zune wannabe, so now it’s time to give Firefox 3 that black and orange goodness. Go do the Abstract Zune theme Firefox page. Cli...

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