Most animal spirituality dog memoir related news are at: – BLIND: A MEMOIR - Belo Cipriani

Lesbian Werewolves 29 Sep 2011 | 05:00 pm

As a fan of Octavia Butler, Mary Shelly, H. G. Wells, Bram Stoker and Ray Bradbury, I sought shelter in science-fiction and gothic novels that made it easier to fantasize outside the hetero world. The...

¡Novelas! 28 Sep 2011 | 05:00 pm

When I became blind one of the groups of people I struggled with the most was not children but the Latino community. They were polite while speaking English at bars, coffee shops, and restaurants, but...

More animal spirituality dog memoir related news:

Urban Animal features Humphrey Was Here 22 Mar 2010 | 03:19 pm

Urban Animal, an Australian magazine for animal lovers, has an excerpt of my dog memoir, Humphrey Was Here, in their latest issue. It's in two parts, which you can view here: Part One | Part Two. Hump...

Guru Loves Dogs ...err.. Dogs Love Guru 26 Aug 2008 | 08:03 am

Spiritual enlightenment does not happen to animals or plants because they are never bound. At least they would not know even in case if they were bound. Its primarily man's vocation to first think of ...

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