Most big herringbone cowl pattern related news are at: – Tink's Tinkerings

Crocheting around 13 Feb 2011 | 08:26 am

So glad you could stop by. I  have alot of crafts and things posted here so please look around before going to the New Site. My New Crafts blog is here, at Tinksmeadow. Elegant Hat Pattern came from...

Happy Valentines 12 Feb 2011 | 05:50 pm

 The true History of Valentines Day by Mani Niall 5th Century, Rome Mid February was traditionally the time of the Lupercian festival, an ode to the God of fertility and a celebration of sensual p...

More big herringbone cowl pattern related news:

Pattern Expansion 19 Apr 2011 | 11:19 pm

When pressed to find the perfect cowl pattern for an upcoming birthday present, I looked and looked to no avail. Everything I found was either too plain, too ornate, too big, or just too expensive. I ...

Free Pattern: Chinese Lantern Cowl 15 May 2011 | 01:38 am

When you fold the cowl, it looks like a Chinese Lantern During my exploration of big hooks and loose stitches, the Chinese Lantern Cowl was created. It uses a smaller hook for the edge rows and very ...

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