Most body pump related news are at: – Be Strong. Be Fit.

How To Get Rid Of Toes Numbness While Exercising on Elliptical Machine or Stairmaster? 24 Aug 2013 | 08:52 am

Some of you may have experienced numb toes when you are exercising on elliptical machine or Stair Master.  This numbness often come all of a sudden and may force you to stop working out.  Someone even...

Why You Should Not Do Behind-The-Neck Lat Pull Down? 18 Aug 2013 | 06:02 pm

Lat pull down is a favorite exercise in gym. No doubt, if done correctly, lat pull down help obtain “V” shape. However, I have seen some are doing pulling the bar behind their head with the belief tha...

More body pump related news:

Les Mills PUMP Increases Endurance‏ 23 Apr 2012 | 11:43 am

Les Mills PUMP isn’t in the game to get you ripped. The purpose of Beachbody’s Body PUMP home workout program is to get you trim. The high repetitions of Les Mills PUMP are all designed to get you an ...

.::. Just Pump .::. 12 May 2010 | 06:55 pm

Senam body pump merupakan senam dengan gerakan sederhana yang dilakukan di tempat yang luas. Senam tersebut dilakukan dengan hembusan-hembusan nafas seperti gerakan memompa. Untuk menghindari efek-efe...

Figurtraining 3 Nov 2010 | 03:14 am

Figurtraining Body Pump Gerätetraining Hanteltraining INJOY-Zirkeltraining BBP & Bauchkiller 5 Nov 2011 | 02:09 pm

body combat and body pump for the past 4 days did show some results. tho not obvious but I'm prettttyyyy happyyyy :)

ONT! 18 Mar 2011 | 08:30 am

Eftersom Body Pumpen går så bra så tänkte jag att jag skulle ge mig själv en liten utmaning och göra ett dubbel pass; Body Pump och Body Combat (som inte går lika bra eftersom jag har samma koordinati...

Body Pump 16 Mar 2011 | 10:01 am

Jag har blivit kär i body pump igen. Efter att ha slutat gå för nästan 18 månader sedan på grund av en fruktansvärt dålig instruktör, men nu har jag börjat gå igen och älskar det. Varje Tisdag och/ell...

Les Mills PUMP Beachbody Workout Info You Need To Know 31 Jan 2012 | 06:40 pm

Guest post by Paul Atkins Around the world  fans of Les Mills Body Pump were elated to find out their favorite cardio Body Pump class could now be accessed via an in home workout program. The Les Mil...

Ta PET, SOB in NED: prilagojen urnik 19 Sep 2012 | 02:05 pm

Zaradi izobraževanja inštruktorjev bo ta konec tedna prilagojen urnik. Petek: 18:00 pilates mix 19:00 tnz Sobota: 19:30 body pump 20:30 body attack Nedelja: 19:00 pilates mix 20:00 tnz

Изменения в расписании: 09.10.12 - 13.10.12 9 Oct 2012 | 12:33 pm

09.10.12. Plkst.  10:00 - 30+30, вместо Анны будет вести Элита. Plkst.  Plkst. 18:00 - Body Pump, вместо Алёны будет вести Алиса. 10.10.12. Plkst. 10:00 - Yoga, вместо Алёны будет вести Света Г. Plks...

Body Pump 86 6 Jul 2013 | 04:10 pm

BODYPUMP : le cours original avec poids qui sculpte, renforce et tonifie tout votre corps rapidement !

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