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Add Security Question/Answer for Forgotten Password – magento 10 Apr 2012 | 03:30 am

To ensure high security and CPNI Compliance of your magento shop, if customer forget password, then required to provide security answer credentials in order to retrieve a new password. This protects c...

Add extra field(s) in registration page 28 Mar 2011 | 06:49 pm

Dear Tow…, this post is basically for new guys. Few guys asked me how to add extra field(s) in registration process. So, here I will try to give few technical tricks. 1. Add new fields in config xml ...

More create magento module related news:

My review on Magento 1.3: PHP Developer’s Guide 19 Mar 2010 | 02:59 am

Last few days i was reviewing a book on magento.Magento 1.3: PHP Developer’s Guide will guide you through development with Magento module development. It was sort of technical reading. I would say its...

Language Switcher 1 Jan 2011 | 01:00 pm

The language switcher module allows you to take advantage of the language tags that are available when content, modules and menu links are created. This module displays a list of available Content La...

Our small noise. 11 Apr 2008 | 03:52 am

A few years ago, I worked on a project for a fast food giant. It involved creating training modules that could be delivered around the world. Each module comprised of scenarios and best practise examp...

Magento Module Integration 29 May 2012 | 10:40 pm

Magento modules help add multiple functionalities through which one can easily manage an online store. Magento, being an open source e-commerce platform, offers both free as well as paid magento modul...

Stop wasting my time! (or: a primer on using Drupal properly) 25 May 2011 | 06:36 am

I think I can safely say that I speak for 95.6% of all frustrated Drupal professional out there when I tell new developers this: STOP creating custom modules and proprietary solutions. Just… stop it...

Resolving Magento module dependencies without using the “depends” element 14 Oct 2011 | 09:08 am

You might someday (or perhaps you already have) come across a case where you want one module to be loaded after another module, but don’t necessarily want it to depend on the other module. Reasons mig...

Extension Magento Connect With Facebook gratuite 27 Aug 2010 | 03:56 am

En voulant mettre sur un Magento le bouton magique « Connect with Facebook », je suis d’abord tombé, comme la majorité d’entre nous je suppose, sur le plugin : Facebook Connect Magento Module Je n’ai...

Magento-Module deaktivieren - the right way 4 Apr 2012 | 02:58 am

Wie man Module nicht deaktiviert 1. System -> Konfiguration -> Erweitert -> Modulausgaben deaktivieren Wie der Name schon sagt: hierüber werden keine Module deaktiviert, sondern nur Modulausgaben. Sp...

Welcome at Joomla! 12 Aug 2008 | 10:00 pm

Hello I'm John. I've grown from NUKE via MAMBO to JOOMLA. I manage some Joomla sites and I am exploring the latest release. I've created some modules/plugins that I am giving back to the community. ...

Create a magento module 30 Jun 2009 | 06:44 am

Magento module Modules are the core functioning unit in a Magento system. Here I am giving an overview of how to write a “Hello World” module in magento. Simple basics before start you cooking At the ...

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