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Витамины: в пользу, не во вред. 25 Jul 2013 | 12:16 pm

Витамины: в пользу, не во вред. Аптечные полки пестрят красочными упаковками. По телевиденью много завлекающих реклам – послушаешь-посмотришь и тут же хочется купить если не витаминный комплекс, то хо...

Дельфинотерапия 10 Jul 2013 | 02:21 pm

Дельфинотерапия Дельфинотерапия –  нетрадиционный метод в психотерапии,  основанный на общении человека и дельфина, под контролем целого ряда специалистов: тренера, психолога, психотерапевта, педагога...

More Crimea related news:

Wellcome! 8 Jun 2010 | 02:17 am

Dear Colleagues! You are welcome to take part in the annual conference, the Sixth Taurida Readings “Anakharsis” “Philosophy of Human Communication” (the Crimea, Ukraine). There is detailed informa...

*Horses & Other Planets 16 Apr 2012 | 11:40 pm

Always looking for new ideas and new formats, the Ukranian Naturist Organisation undertakes another saga in the Crimea, a little before the main summer season has really got underway. A trip to the ta...

*Crimea Revisited Part 1 16 Apr 2012 | 03:41 am

This is the fabulous story on video of the Kiev Commonwealth of Naturists’ annual trip to the Crimea. Join in the adventure as 12 friends set off from Kiev to traverse the Ukraine, stopping for many i...

Assistance and advice to potential investors and businesses in Crimea, Ukraine 15 Apr 2012 | 10:13 am

Assistance and advice to potential investors and businesses in Crimea, Ukraine As the owner of AccessCrimea I have invested in real estate here, and set up this tourism company. 5 years spent in Ukra...

Back from Crimea 23 Jun 2007 | 11:23 pm

Hi, We are back and in one piece (explain later)!! Yalta is a beautiful area/city and we along with Olga enjoyed ourselves. More on the trip a bit later. Today is Saturday and we went back to the O ...

YALTA, ainda na Crimea 2 Sep 2010 | 10:17 pm

agora estou com um pouco mais de tempo, principalmente porque perdi o buzu para ir para a próxima cidade, que se chama Sudak, entao vamos postas as novidades e algo que esqueci de fazer anteriormente....

sevastopol, Crimea 30 Aug 2010 | 10:24 pm

Cheguei em uma cidade de praias. Muito bonita e aconchegante, e tem muito lugar pra viajar e conhecer, o que o pessoal faz é ir durante o dia e voltar durante a noite, e é basicamente o que estou faze...

Crimea, south Ukraine! 27 Aug 2010 | 06:16 pm

cheguei ao lugar que os Ucranianos geralmente passam as férias e está sendo bem interessante, e nao eh por causa do lugar, eu cheguei ontem e nao fiz nada, vamos aos detalhes: Iria viajar sozinho, ma...

Orbits around the earth 10 Mar 2011 | 08:47 am

2 jolis morceaux spatiaux pour ce soir, le premier des Italiens Crimea-X (rien à voir avec Crookers ou Bloody Beetroots et tant mieux). Si vous balancez la tête vous aimeriez l'album. Crimea X - 10 P...

Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910) 2 Sep 2010 | 06:25 pm

Florence Nightingale  © Famous for her work in the military hospitals of the Crimea, Nightingale established nursing as a respectable profession for women. Florence Nightingale was born on 12 May 182...

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