Most django creating handler related news are at: – VM Farms

How to Make Waffle Compatible with Django 1.5's Custom User Models 5 Jul 2013 | 09:47 pm

Waffle is a handy add-on for Django that allows fine-grain control over feature sets within an application.  At VM Farms, we use Waffle to control which users have access to specific features that are...

DNS vs DDoS - When 3rd Party Externalities Affect Our Service 29 Jun 2013 | 12:39 am

For the past week or so, Zerigo - our managed DNS provider, has suffered a number of DDoS attacks against its network; thereby disrupting name servers and disabling service for many of our customers. ...

More django creating handler related news:

BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() throws RuntimeException: Can’t create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() 23 Feb 2013 | 03:59 am

So I’m using some hardware SDK that attempts to scan for bluetooth devices on Android and hit into this exception below when calling: BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() Caused by: java.lang.Runtime...

New Silverilght Windows Phone 7 (Mango) Video Tutorial: PageOrientation 28 Oct 2011 | 10:35 am

Hello All, In this video I show you how to: 1. Create an application bar with Menu Items for Portrait, Landscape and PortraitOrLandscape Page Orientations. 2. Create an Event Handler for OnOrientat...

Custom Field Handlers for Views 3 1 Nov 2011 | 06:13 pm

Tweet Here are the basic steps to create custom field handler for views 3. 1. Define supported version of views API in your .module file. <?php /** * Implementation of hook_views_api(). */ function...

create simple example JSON REST API in Django 1.3 19 Mar 2012 | 01:53 am

Creating REST JSON API in Django in pretty easy. I know several django modules like django-tastypie, django piston, etc provide easy ways to build REST API in Django, but at this time, I will show sim...

Django Timestamp without using auto_now and auto_now_add 13 Dec 2008 | 09:16 am

If you have ever used/worked on CMS/Blogging apps, you might have noticed created and last updated timestamp’s for each content item (article/entry) and as you would expect Django also provide two opt...

Why Django blog with WordPress ? 16 Nov 2008 | 10:21 am

Reading about Django related stuff on WordPress (PHP) powered blog might be disrespectful to simple yet powerful Python based framework like Django, which let’s you create a decent blog within couple ...

App-Centric Django Development Part 2: App Factory 29 Nov 2010 | 07:37 am

Make it easy Django makes it easy to start an app with the command ./ startapp. However the app template that it creates is very simple and it creates it within the current project. We need ...

App-Centric Django Development Part 1: Introduction 24 Nov 2010 | 02:10 am

We’ve created many web sites at The Washington Times, many were just speculative, and most are not around today. In order to prototype a web site quickly, we developed a set of habits that make it eas...

Django Alphabet Filter Released with International Character Support 29 Jul 2010 | 03:28 am

My previous post about the alphabet filter explained the first take at creating the alphabet filter. There were several issues, especially with international character sets, so we have revised the cod...

Creating an Alphabetical Filter in Django's Admin 16 Jul 2010 | 01:47 am

Update: See the new blog post about the updated version. Django’s admin includes a great date hierarchy filter for navigating date data in a model. I’ve come into a few situations where it would be n...

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