Most django iterator related news are at: – Mellow Morning

Django Facebook – 1.5 and custom user model support 11 May 2013 | 05:14 pm

Django Facebook now officially supports Django 1.5 and custom user models! Go try it out and upgrade to pip version 5.1.1. It’s backwards compatible and you can choose if you want to keep on using pro...

Django Facebook hotfix, update to 5.0.13 1 May 2013 | 03:35 pm

Last night Facebook changed the format they use for codes. (codes are an intermediate step in the process of requesting access tokens.) This change broke the caching for the convert code step for Dja...

More django iterator related news:

How to setup Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion 24 Jan 2012 | 02:16 am

Django is an excellent web-framework written in Python. Here is a quick setup guide for installing Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion. Setup Django - Download latest Django here - At this po...

B.3 — Range-based for statements and static_assert 28 Nov 2011 | 08:13 am

Range-based for statements In C++03, stepping through all the values of a sequence requires a lot of code, particularly when using the iterator syntax: In C++11, the auto keyword makes this a little...

推荐工作机会 21 Aug 2011 | 08:44 pm

快玩Python开发工程师 招Python开发多名 a) 基础要求 接触Python一年以上 熟悉Tornado、Django、Pylons、Flask等常用Python开发框架 了解或使用过Zope,Django,Quxiote等框架 熟悉MySQLdb,paramiko,threading等模块 b) 符合以下几类中某些者优先 精通MySQL、PostgreSQL、Oracle...

Array iteration with JavaScript 2 Apr 2011 | 02:51 am

Till recently I always used a for-loop when I had to iterate over an array in JavaScript. For example: However, with ECMAScript 5 the Array object itself got some methods for iteration purposes. With...

Django i shortcodes 6 Feb 2012 | 12:21 pm

Kilka miesięcy temu pytałem #django-wców na blipie o możliwość wstawiania do treści słów kluczowych, które później byłyby zamieniane na różne dziwne rzeczy. Nikt mi wtedy nie odpowiedział, więc pewnie...

Django: usuwanie cache'u generowanego przez szablon 26 Mar 2011 | 09:58 am

Sytuacja jest następująca: 1989 rok, Kijów. Piękna ukraińska jesień. Czterech urodzonych morderców, uzbrojonych po zęby, a ja sam, jeden, z moim wiernym kałachem... mamy jakiś kawałek szablonu, któreg...

FancyUpload - Swiff meets Ajax 3-0-rc1 5 May 2009 | 10:00 am

Added: New showcase attach-a-file including first iteration of the class Attach. Added: New event reposition, fired when the box is moved. Changed: More converted placeholder-units for validation er...

C# Custom Enumerators Made Simple with the Yield Keyword 16 Aug 2011 | 03:24 am

An enumerator enables you to iterate over a collection in a foreach loop.  You can use foreach to iterate over all C# collection classes, because all C# collection classes inherit from the IEnumerable...

Canadian Engineering Firm 26 Apr 2012 | 03:48 pm

One of our previous clients came back with a new challenge to develop and business name and logo for an engineering firm that is based in Canada.  After of few iterations of naming and some pixel perf...

Pre-Ruin Orthanc Environment 1 Aug 2011 | 04:48 am

[Update: Orthanc is now available for pre-order] This new iteration of Saruman’s temporary abode was one of Weta’s big surprises for this year’s Comic-Con. And in more ways than one– even though I’ve...

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