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More eternal vigilance related news:

Eternal vigilance the price of liberty online 29 May 2013 | 02:24 pm

Today’s article is written by Dunja Mijatovic, who is the Representative on Freedom of the Media for the 57-country Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. She was one of the panellists ...

Don't Tread on Me | Eternal Vigilance | 1 oz Copper Round 18 Jul 2013 | 11:50 pm

Benjamin Franklin once urged American colonies to unite during the French and Indian War by sketching a political cartoon of a snake with the phrase “Join, or Die.” While owning the Don’t Tread On Ete...

Best Cyst Acne Home Remedy of the Year 9 Dec 2011 | 12:46 pm

Article by Riz J. Natalie If you have cyst and are dreaded with the problem that seem to have eternity to solve, listen up and read the material. I will show you the best cyst acne home remedy of the...

Eternal pain 27 May 2012 | 02:16 am

Oh my aching head! please get out of my brain Numb mind and throbbing veins I wander in darkness yet again Trying to be normal I put a mask but unwilling to let go is my strain Either you go or ...

Ep 20 - Eternity 4 May 2010 | 06:58 am

Ep 20 - Eternity (5 images)

Les miroirs déformants 27 Oct 2009 | 10:04 pm

Tolérance… Du latin tolerare (supporter). Vertu qui consiste à accepter, à supporter ce que l’on n’accepterait pas spontanément. Vertu qui conduit, aussi, à se montrer vigilant envers l’intolérance. E...

An EPS: Eternal Positioning System 22 May 2012 | 07:20 pm

There are lots of shepherds out there…shepherds in the sense of the advisors, guides and voices that will influence our lives... Which voices will you follow?

Showcase: Something to Write Home About 12 Jan 2012 | 08:00 am

Something to Write Home About Seventeen visual accounts of unexpected delight. Contributors: Linka Odom (title photo), Allison Rost, Larissa Zhou, Nate Bolt, Sebastian Vigil, Allison Irby, Patet Amp...

KISS website in new design 29 May 2012 | 07:03 am

KISS Software Website reworked Three years means a little eternity in the fast internet. The 'old' KISS Website was online since 2009 so the time was ripe for a relaunch of the web design.

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