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Wie Sie Ihre Passwörter verwalten 26 Aug 2013 | 11:46 am

Im Zuge der Verbreitung der online-Anwendungen nimmt zwangsläufig die Zahl der Passwörter zu. Dabei gehe ich davon aus, dass Sie dem Ratschlag folgen, nicht dasselbe Passwort für jede Anwendung zu ver...

Brainstorming funktioniert, oder auch nicht 23 Aug 2013 | 12:02 pm

Schon seit langem führt die Expertenrunde die Debatte, ob Brainstorming überhaupt funktioniert oder eben auch nicht. Ich habe im Toolblog darüber berichtet. Damit sich der geneigte Leser selbst ein Bi...

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QQ笔记:记录什么?如何记录 16 Aug 2013 | 03:31 am

一直在模仿,从末被超越,QQ在软件领域可能一直被很多人骂:一项新的服务出来,腾讯就会跟着做,一些的确让人无路可走,一些也会默默消失,最新推出的QQ笔记命运会如何呢? 笔记软件与服务是轻量级软件,习惯用笔记软件用户数量级别自己也不是很清楚,但我个人虽然用过很多记事笔记软件,但并没有天 天一记的习惯。有道笔记、EverNote、oneNote、麦库记事几款软件中自己现在用的麦库记事。 QQ笔记软件...

evernote a pice of shit 14 May 2012 | 07:48 pm

whats the matter with this  software “evernote” its keep asking for update everyday !

Interview with Dmitry Stavisky at LeWeb 2011 20 Dec 2011 | 03:30 am

Since its launch the Evernote app has been on of the best known and widely used non-game app in every major app store. A “memory for everything” is what Evernote should be for a business as well as a ...

Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin on how to build a successful app 20 Jan 2011 | 08:21 pm

Read carefully – somewhere in this text you’ll find a small surprise. How did Evernote come up with the idea for a “universal memory”? Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin explains why Evernote is a good tool f...

NeverNote added to 7 Jun 2011 | 02:49 am

Nevernote was created in response to popular demand of Linux users. A clone of Evernote, it was originally intended for Linux but can also run on Windows. Nevernote is a note-saving program that also ...

ESticky Note built on the Evernote® platform 24 May 2011 | 05:52 am

Update 6/6/2011:New Version Released Minor Bug Fixes Update 6/2/2011:  New Version Released Application will automatically update next time it is launched. Added ability to create a new note from ...

paper-pile: Simple Command-Line Paper Management 13 May 2012 | 06:01 pm

I’ve struggled with research paper management for years. I gushed at length about Mendeley last year, but lately I’ve been having some of the same problems with Mendeley that I had with Evernote. Its...

Free Online Tools 7 May 2012 | 07:05 pm

EVERNOTE Evernote is in the very first spot on this list because it’s awesome and it’s free! Whether it’s an App that will become a trustworthy companion or pleasant acquaintance will primarily depen...

Большой Список Надежд о Светлом Будущем Evernote 12 Nov 2010 | 03:52 am

Редакция хочет верить, что приведенный ниже список новых фич и улучшений существующий функциональности будет реализован в следующих версиях Evernote. Рано или поздно, так или иначе. Мы буд...

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