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اشکال این فایل چیست؟ 15 Aug 2012 | 03:47 pm

با سلام. یه فایل ضمیمه کردم . از تابع vlookup درش استفاده شده. اما متاسفانه اطلاعاتی که در sheet شعبه یک وارد شده در sheet مرکز دیده نمیشه. میخواستم بدونم اشکال کار کجاست؟ حالا یه نکته جالبم داره....

تغییر خودکار سایز عکس با vba 14 Aug 2012 | 05:02 pm

سلام یه سوالی دارم، ممنون میشم کسی میدونه جواب بده، من میخوام با ماکرو یه چی بنویسم که وقتی عکسیو میارم تویه اکسل سایزش اون ساز مورد نظر من بشه؟ خواهش میکنم کمک کنید

More excel iran related news:

Let’s Plan to Meet at MIPCOM 2011! 4 Aug 2011 | 07:28 am

MIPCOM 2011 is right around the corner — October 3rd – 6th, in Cannes.  Our Stand is #R34.03 in the Riviera Hall of the Palais des Festivals.  Our appointment book is open. Here is an excellent short ...

The Dillman's testimony… 10 Mar 2009 | 07:23 am

Thank you for the report, Mike.  And thank you very much for the excellent pictures of a job extraordinarily well done  …  the results of which clearly add value to our home and that will be enjoyed...

Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV 3 Sep 2011 | 02:11 am

Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV - Pertandingan kualifikasi piala dunia 2014 zona Asia akan mempertemukan Iran vs Indonesia. Jadwal pertandingan ini akan dilangsungkan pada...

Announcing: Guerrilla Usability Testing Training 19 Sep 2008 | 12:10 am

Announcing: Guerrilla Usability Testing Training Usability tests are an excellent way of discovering problems with a product or service. Commissioning a dedicated usability lab will provide a high de...

Safe 27 Apr 2012 | 04:25 am

This movie tells about an excellent fighter who must deal with double-mission. He must rescue a 12-year-old girl kidnapped by the Triads and find a good solution to win Triads, the Russian mafia and c...

Excel Document Scanning With Zend_Search_Lucene 11 May 2009 | 09:25 pm

Zend_Search_Lucene offers some powerful document scanning capabilities, and there are a few different formats that are useful for the search engine to index. To allow the indexing and searching of Ex...

Disegnare un sito web con Microsoft Excel 21 Oct 2011 | 07:00 pm

Nonostante un software venga pensato e realizzato per adempiere ad un compito ben preciso non è detto che con un po’ di creatività non si possa usare per tutt’altro scopo. Uno degli esempi che meglio ...

Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories PSP 27 Oct 2011 | 06:13 am

Summary: Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories PSP version is one of the best action based game. It has a great gameplay with amazing graphics and the music and action is excellent in this game. Revi...

Review of Gran Turismo PSP 24 Oct 2011 | 06:09 am

Summary: If you are a big fan of racing, Gran Turismo PSP version is a must have game that includes more than 835 cars to choose among. It is a great game for PSP and has excellent music and graphics....

How to rip Blu-ray to MKV with H264 video and DTS-HD audio using Staxrip 30 Mar 2011 | 01:34 am

Staxrip is certainly one of the best converting programs I have used, and it is among the tools I recommend to users for ripping a DVD. Of course it can also handle Blu-ray discs and it excels at this...

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