Most exim log centos related news are at: – JERVIS DOT WS - A techie’s thoughts and opinions on anything & everything that comes to mind JERVIS DOT WS

vSphere 5.1 SSO Resources 20 Dec 2012 | 02:25 am

“Ever since vSphere 5.1 launched we’ve been getting a fair number of support calls about Single Sign On, or SSO for short. It is a requirement now, and many of you are getting caught on some aspect of... client RPM Package 16 Feb 2011 | 09:45 am

This week I decided to dust off my RPM hat and build an RPM for the client application.  Firstly to test my setup here and secondly to make the client easier to deploy and remove from ...

More exim log centos related news:

[Tip] Disable shell access for a user 29 May 2012 | 10:19 pm

On my CentOS box I use shell accounts to authenticate my users for logging in to webmail. These users shouldn't have any direct access to the box as they're only used for mail - nothing else. This si...

exim failing due to lack of IPv6 support? 1 May 2012 | 04:39 pm

You having trouble getting exim to startup? Getting these messages in the log(/var/log/exim/main.log)? Give this a shot: sudo vi /etc/exim/exim.conf Change as follows: #local_interfaces = <; 127....

Memcached Multiple Instances Startup Script (init.d) on CentOS 5.6 – 64 bits 10 Oct 2011 | 02:56 pm

I just need Memcached to start automatically when reboot so that I don't have to wait to log into the server to do that every time I restart my server. The problem here is that I didn't install Memcac...

How to Install GMP Math library in CentOS server with WHM/CPANEL installation? 22 Dec 2011 | 03:26 am

First log-in to your server through ssh access then follow this command or type these command in shell save and compile, follow the instructions until the scripts finish recompiling the PHP. done! ...

How to Install GMP Math library in CentOS server with WHM/CPANEL installation? 22 Dec 2011 | 03:34 am

Tweet First log-in to your server through ssh access then follow this command or type these command in shell save and compile, follow the instructions until the scripts finish recompiling the PHP. d...

logrotate tweaks to enhance rsync backups 22 Nov 2009 | 09:19 pm

logrotate, by default (at least on CentOS as of 3, 4, and 5.x), rotates logs by incrementing all numbers on previous logs by one, and moving the current log to log.0 This is all fine and good if you ...

使用 DenyHosts 阻止 SSH 暴力破解 29 Aug 2009 | 09:34 pm

项目主页: 安装: CentOS: yum install denyhosts Debian: apt-get install denyhosts 配置: vi /etc/denyhosts.conf # 用户登录的日志文件 SECURE_LOG = /var/log/auth.log # 禁止登陆的主机文件...

Module ‘curl’ already loaded 11 Jul 2012 | 08:51 am

Jika ada error pada log apache server pada CentOS PHP Warning: Module ‘curl’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Module ‘intl’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Dinonaktifkan saja pa...

mysqldump: Got error: 1556 28 Feb 2013 | 05:25 am

CentOS 5.9 から MySQL 5.1 に mysqldmup をしたら次のようなエラーが mysqldump: Got error: 1556: You can't use locks with log tab……(続きを読む)

Installing Sendmail Analyzer on RHEL/CentOS 12 Mar 2013 | 07:35 am

The Sendmail Analyzer can be useful for visualizing your Sendmail/Postfix log. The commands below can be copy-pasted as root on default installations of RHEL and CentOS 5/6 with default Postfix and ht...

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