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Protege tu ordenador de falsos antivirus con Remove Fake Antivirus 15 Apr 2012 | 06:01 pm

Debido a que cada vez hay mas virus y de diferentes características y que se esta dando también una nueva forma de hacerlos llegar hasta nuestros ordenadores y la forma es precisamente con falsos anti...

Remove Fake Antivirus 1.84 1 Feb 2012 | 10:21 am

Untuk memproteksi PC kita dari virus-virus yang selalu muncul setiap harinya , tentunya kita juga harus memiliki antivirus yang kuat juga . Tapi apa jadinya kalau Antivirus yang kita gunakan adalah pa...

Download Remove Fake Antivirus 1.80 Gratis 21 Oct 2011 | 01:19 am

Virus masih mengintai di Internet dan hal yang terburuk adalah bahwa mereka telah menemukan cara baru dan sangat berbahaya untuk menginfeksi computer dengan cara berpura-pura menjadi antivirus yang sa...

Hapus Antivirus Palsu dengan Remove Fake Antivirus 28 Mar 2012 | 09:34 pm

Seiring dengan banyaknya antivirus baik gratis maupun berbayar, semakin banyak pula Antivirus palsu beredar. Tidak jarang komputer kita sendiri atau teman kita pernah mengalaminya atau di komputer ter...

Fake Antivirus: 5 software titles you should definitely NOT install 3 Oct 2009 | 03:34 am

Bogusware, scareware or rogueware - whatever you prefer to call them, are all different names given to describe roughly the same thing: rogue security products that masquerade as the real thing. Acco...

Remove Internet Security Guard (UPDATED) 20 Jan 2012 | 11:03 pm

Internet Security Guard is a fake antivirus program that belongs to the same rogue family as Virus Doctor. Such programs are classified as rogueware or also scareware, since they used different strate...

FBI Arrests 2 In Connection With Fake Antivirus Infections 25 Jun 2011 | 02:20 am

After several years & 100′s of annoying fake antivirus infections, the FBI announced that two individuals have been arrested in Latvia in connection with the distribution of these programs. These viru...

Mac OSX – Anti Virus: The 4 best anti-virus packages 30 Jul 2011 | 07:52 am

A couple of months back Security firm and mac anti virus company Intego spotted the first fake antivirus app for OS X, which carried the name of Mac Defender with some authority. ... well their are so...

Is Microsoft Security Essentials Fake 7 Feb 2011 | 07:05 pm

The Microsoft Security Essentials alert that you receive on your system is actually a Trojan horse and displays a fake antivirus infection that installs into your PC. This is done so that you purchase...

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