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Masters of Universe, quello che la Germania non dice... 16 Aug 2013 | 09:14 pm

Uno dei più seguiti documentari dal pubblico è il film austro-tedesco Masters of Universe di Marc Bauder, presentato in prima mondiale alla Settimana della Critica di Locarno 66. Raccoglie la testimo...

Marilyn Manson To Form A New Death-Metal Band For His Upcoming Horror-flick “Splatter Sisters”!!! 30 May 2010 | 02:21 am

Manson’s role in his new film calls him for a new band! This is what the producer of Pressman said at Cannes: “Marilyn is a death metal rocker, which is a different kind of music than he’s known for....

Horror Film Update: Splatter Sisters. 22 May 2010 | 04:59 am

Here’s another horror film update of Marilyn Manson(& Evan Rachel Wood). But this is a new one. ‘Splatter Sisters” is advertised as a squashed genre film, sexploitation-slasher. Adam Lough wrote the s...

Censimento Digitale della specie umana 3 Apr 2011 | 06:48 pm

Film di fantascienza come Matrix e Terminator non sono mai stati così attuali,dalle ultime e recenti rivelazioni dell'ambientalista tedesco Malte Spitz,emergono dati allarmanti; di fatto in meno di 6 ...

Defending ‘War Horse’ 22 Sep 2012 | 10:39 am

(From spring 2012) *Contains spoilers Recently, my fellow cinephile, writer and friend, Stephanie of ‘Splatter: On Film,’ reviewed Spielberg’s War Horse (2011). She produced the following quote in her...

Top 10: Horror Film Bloodbaths 31 Oct 2012 | 11:12 pm

A great horror film doesn’t have to have flowing blood and the splatter of guts, but it certainly helps. The twisted minds of screenwriters and directors have brought some memorable moments of bloodsh...

Happy birthday, "Blood Feast": digging into the guts of the very first "splatter" film 4 Jul 2013 | 02:06 am

"Blood Feast" is a terrible film, and a historically important one, too. Director Herschell Gordon Lewis and producer David F. Friedman were in the right place in the right time when they cranked out ...

Happy birthday, "Blood Feast": digging into the guts of the very first "splatter" film 4 Jul 2013 | 02:06 am

"Blood Feast" is a terrible film, and a historically important one, too. Director Herschell Gordon Lewis and producer David F. Friedman were in the right place in the right time when they cranked out ...

Review: Kick-Ass 2 (ShortCuts) 16 Aug 2013 | 03:14 pm

Florian Silbereisen würde diesen Film empfehlen: [YouTubeDirektArschtritt] Verwandte Artikel X-Men: Erste Entscheidung (Review) (36) Splatter: Roger Corman, Joe Dante und Corey Feldmans Horror-Web...

Facciamola Finita (This Is the End) Recensione Film 20 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm

Facciamola Finita (This Is the End) Diciamolo subito: Facciamola finita si colloca ai vertici del genere commedia horror. È semplicemente esilarante. E splatter. Sì, decisamente splatter. Ma andiamo ...

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