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Effective Akka 27 Aug 2013 | 02:29 am

Avoid common mistakes when building distributed, asynchronous, high-performance software with the Akka toolkit and runtime. With this concise guide, author Jamie Allen provides a collection of best pr...

PMP Rapid Review 27 Aug 2013 | 02:28 am

Assess your readiness for the updated PMP Exam—and quickly identify where you need to focus and practice. This practical, streamlined guide walks you through each exam task, providing "need to know" c...

More gamification related news:

The Impact of Gamification 26 Jan 2012 | 08:08 am

Technology experts held a summit last week at CES regarding the state of tech and children in the home. The Kids at Play and Mommy Tech conference (and exhibits) looked at current issues and products ...

Florida National Guard Delivers First-Of-Its-Kind, Innovative Career-Seeker Program “Operation KickStart” 25 Apr 2012 | 08:57 am

For Immediate Release April 24, 2012 Hundreds of Guardsmen sign up for program that merges hands-on career coaching with the latest skills-matching technology and the gamification of the job-search ...

僕らはなぜゲームにはまるのか。ゲーミフィケーションはマーケティングというよりも心理学だ 28 Nov 2011 | 10:20 pm

ゲーミフィケーション(gamification)という言葉をご存知でしょうか? 日本語版のWikipediaにも載っていない新しい言葉で、”ゲームにはまってしまう”メカニズムを、ゲームはもちろんゲーム以外のビジネスや社会活動で活用するということです。 小学生の時、漢字の書き取りドリルを面白くするためにスタンプラリーや数人の班で競争させるといったことをしたことがあるのではないでしょうか。 そう...

Epic Win: Gamification of Task Productivity at its Best! 9 Nov 2011 | 01:04 pm

I don’t know about you, but I’m a fanatical gamer. Nowadays, I play RPGs. I’m not sure what drives me to this genre; it might be the constant evolution of a character, might be the competition, I don’...

Spiel, Spaß & Freude – Wie man mit Gamification Engagement erzeugt 7 Mar 2012 | 03:20 am

Bernhard Steimel war letzte Woche auf der Call Center World unterwegs und hat viele Gespräche geführt. Die Veranstaltung hatte leider wenig Innovatives zu bieten. Doch ein Highlight gab es: Das Gesprä...

Jake Dunagan: The Institute for the Future and Gamification for Social Foresight 12 Mar 2012 | 03:17 am

This is the second part in a series on network based approaches to foresight. I was fortunate to catch up with colleague Jake Dunagan, director of research at the Institute for the Future (IFTF). IFTF... Gamification 3 Mar 2012 | 09:00 pm

When publishing a post on these days, authors receive a new sidebar alongside their post. The most interesting feature in this sidebar is a game-like progress bar. Arbitrary goals are no...

なぜゲーミフィケーションは効果的なのか?(Why Gamification Works?) 24 Jan 2012 | 07:57 am

「ゲーミフィケーション(gamification)」という言葉をなんとなくわかったつもりで、バズワード的に使う人が増えてきました。本当にそれを可能するゲームのメカニズム(game mechanics)を理解してますか?ゲーミフィケーションというすばらしいコンセプトが、自分ではゲームをやりもしない人に、ビジネス上の理由だけでバズワードとして使われてしまうのは残念です。 以前、ゲーミフィケーションに...

[VIDEOS] Startup Weekend Gurgaon – Discussion on Gamification 19 Nov 2011 | 08:41 pm

Below are videos of the discussion on Friday night about ramification between Rabi Gupta of iDubba and Avinasha Shastry of SupprtBee

Gamification: una pieza clave en el futuro del e-business y el marketing online 20 Apr 2012 | 08:53 pm

Gamification es uno de esos términos “de moda” que frecuentemente no se entienden, se describen mal, o se asocian a ejemplos inadeacuados. Merece la pena dar un repaso a este escurridizo concepto porq...

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