Most giornali pro israele related news are at: – Viva Israele!

9 Agosto 2001: il terrorismo palestinese colpisce civili inermi a Gerusalemme. Per non dimenticare 9 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm

Undici anni fa, il 9 agosto 2001, 15 israeliani venivano uccisi, e 130 rimanevano feriti, in un attentato alla pizzeria Sbarro, a Gerusalemme, ad opera di un kamikaze suicida. L’attentato fu poi riven...

Rilascio di detenuti palestinesi: rieccoci da capo 7 Aug 2013 | 01:47 pm

Il presidente dell’Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in compagnia della terrorista Amana Muna, scarcerata nel quadro del ricatto palestinese per la liberazione dell’ostaggio Gilad Shalit....

More giornali pro israele related news:

What’s Your Opinion on AIPAC? 24 Mar 2010 | 06:50 pm

The AIPAC conference which ended yesterday is a good opportunity to examine the role of the pro-Israel lobby in today’s political atmosphere. According to Jewish Ideas Daily: In reality, AIPAC’s lea...

Pop Quiz! 2 Jun 2009 | 10:49 am

Read the following two news reports carefully. There will be a test question at the end. A) A few days ago, an Islamic fundamentalist shot and killed a prominent pro-Israel leader in his own synagog...

De Autonome Antifa demonstreert pro Israel 21 Aug 2011 | 08:39 am

Eindelijk hebben ze het begrepen. Islam is niet links. Islam is hartstikke rechts. Dus het is geheel logisch als antifascisten, als ze dan toch willen demonstreren, txe9gen Iran en pro-Israel demonstr...

Contentions Roundup: The Elusive Crisis Of Zionism 23 May 2012 | 09:48 pm

A roundup of recent Commentary Contentions posts on the misguided solipsism of the Jewish-American far left. Since they don’t know many pro-Israel American Jews, the reasoning appears to go, there mus...

Why Peter Beinart Is Driving The "Pro-Israel" Organizational Establishment Crazy 30 Mar 2012 | 07:28 am

Almost all the criticism of (and controversy about) Peter Beinart's "The Crisis of Zionism" comes down to two major complaints: The first is that he is a "liberal Zionist" which, by some definitions,...

San Francisco Runs Anti-Semitic Outdoor Campaign — No Word on AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Campaign 17 Jan 2011 | 11:02 am

San Francisco BART has been running an antisemitic outdoor campaign at a number of outdoor BART stations for well over a month now. I became aware of them last month when Seattle had agreed to run ant...

AFDI/SIOA Two-Ad Pro-Israel, Counter Jihad Campaign Submitted in Seattle Metro Considers Changing Policy Over Anti-Israeli Bus Ads 23 Dec 2010 | 01:32 am

I put the finishing touches on the two ads AFDI/SIOA ads that will be running in Seattle to counter the nazi-style propaganda designed to incite violence and hatred towards the Jewish people. Here ar...

The United Nations says "SCREW ISREAL" ! 11 Jul 2011 | 11:17 pm

Take another stand for ISRAEL.  Sign NEW PETITION to Congress supporting PRO-ISRAEL HRes. 271 which defends Israel's right to defend her borders, and rejecting President Obama's call for a return to t...

Romney eyes gains among Jewish voters – Politico 28 Jul 2012 | 07:37 pm

Politico Romney eyes gains among Jewish voters Politico LONDON – It has become a predictable quadrennial ritual: Republicans claim this is the presidential election that their pro-Israel credentials ...

Contentions Roundup: The Elusive Crisis Of Zionism 23 May 2012 | 05:48 pm

A roundup of recent Commentary Contentions posts on the misguided solipsism of the Jewish-American far left. Since they don’t know many pro-Israel American Jews, the reasoning appears to go, there mus...

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