Most git vs hg related news are at: – DaRaFF's Blog | Was mich interessiert, muss hier rein

Wartbarkeit von Software verbessern 8 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am

In letzter Zeit mache ich mir vermehrt Gedanken zur Strukturierung von Software und wie wir unsere Produkte/Projekte längerfristig besser machen können. Ich glaube, viele von uns haben nach wie vor Pr...

Lessons Learned @ NZZ – Teil 6 – Der Release Manager 19 Jul 2013 | 12:22 am

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Lessons Learned @ NZZ Seit kurzem haben wir in der NZZ die Rolle des Release Managers eingeführt. Im folgenden Artikel möchte ich erklären warum. Situation oh...

More git vs hg related news:

Deploying: Git vs. TFS Showdown 29 Nov 2012 | 09:45 pm

I think everyone agrees deployment should be as simple as possible. Seems like everyone talks about continuous integration/deployment/delivery. More and more people (and cloud providers) start using t...

Reload All the Things! 30 May 2013 | 09:44 pm

In Visual Studio, how many times a day must I click the Reload All button? Switching between many branches a day, this has definitely worsened with the increased usage of git. Apparently the git + VS ...

Switching my open-source projects from Bitbucket to Github 10 Jun 2013 | 04:49 am

I’m switching my public open-source projects from Bitbucket to Github, and in the process also from Mercurial to git. But the switch has little to do with git vs. Mercurial; it’s mostly about Github w...

Deploying: Git vs. TFS Showdown 29 Nov 2012 | 09:45 pm

I think everyone agrees deployment should be as simple as possible. Seems like everyone talks about continuous integration/deployment/delivery. More and more people (and cloud providers) start using t...

howto submit a plugin to that's on 27 Aug 2013 | 12:49 am

Hey guys and gals I wanted to submit my project to It says i can enter a "Repository URL (Git/Svn/Hg)" which I did, but then it says it is not supported. All the plugins current...

1 Dakika’da İnternet ! 21 Jan 2012 | 10:48 am

Gelişen dünya, sonu olmayan teknolojik çılgınlık, mobil internet, sosyal medya vs. hayatımız her gün git gide internet’e daha fazla adapte oluyor. Bundan yıllar önce ülkemizde sadece gazeteleri intern...

Olum bak git 26 May 2012 | 11:18 pm

İnternette izlenme rekorları kıran videonun tekken versiyonu. Çöpçü ile ergenin kavgası. Atarlı ergen vs Çöpçü Reyiz :) DOWNLOAD

Setting Up Hg-Git 29 Jul 2011 | 10:22 am

So apparently it takes the people at CodePlex a little while to make the switch to Mercury from SVN because, as I go to the site now, my code repository is coming up Subversion. It’s only been eight d...

CocoaCast Cacao Épisode 83 - Guide WWDC 2012, PostgresApp, reactivecocoa, MagicalRecord, git-hg rosetta stone 19 May 2012 | 01:49 am

Bienvenue dans le quatre-vingt-troisième épisode de CocoaCast Cacao! Dans cet épisode, Philippe Casgrain et Philippe Guitard discutent des sujets suivants: Guide WWDC 2012 - Pour les nouveaux à la WW...

Code Swarm 12 May 2010 | 04:34 am

codeswarm 是个很有意思的工具,它把一个软件开发项目中开发者往代码管理工具(git/hg/svn等)提交代码的历史记录用视频的方式表现出来。 这是我把之前在做的一个项目的svn log 做成的codeswarm演示: 稍微注意就能看出,项目初期过了一段时间commit才开始活跃起来,code base比较小,代码也比较集中,后来虽然项目比较赶,但在公共假期(十一元旦春节)内,没有或者几...

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