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Innovation: Die Lehren aus dem Fall Steve Ballmer 27 Aug 2013 | 01:28 pm

Steve Ballmer wird seine Aufgaben bei Microsoft innerhalb der nächsten zwölf Monate abgeben. Längst hat die Debatte um seine Verdienste begonnen. Meist geht es dabei um das Thema Innovation, analysier...

Marketing: Wie Sie Ihre Produkte global vermarkten 27 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am

Viele Manager halten es für eine Mammutaufgabe, die eigenen Produkte weltweit zu vertreiben und schrecken deshalb davor zurück. Tatsächlich aber können Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit kleinen Investitionen sc...

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Click Fraud on Google PPC is Getting Harder to Detect 17 Jan 2010 | 06:40 pm

Perpetrators of click fraud are getting sneakier and sneakier. Harvard Business School professor Ben Edelman has uncovered one of the more diabolical click fraud schemes known to be hatched. As he sum...

Manajemen Perubahan bagi Organisasi: Our Iceberg Is Melting 9 Mar 2011 | 01:15 pm

Judul buku: Our Iceberg Is Melting: Perubahan dan Kesuksesan dalam Berbagai Kondisi Pengarang: John Kotter (Penulis Peraih Penghargaan Harvard Business School); Holger Rathgeber Masih suntuk setelah...

Un monde sans Powerpoint (ni Keynote…) 30 May 2012 | 06:19 am

© Deviant Art Frix1981 C’est en lisant un article de Harvard Business Review, «Learning Charisma» que m’est venue l’idée de cet article. Quoi de plus stressant pour certains cadres, directeurs ou man...

Harvard Business Review on Doing Business in China 2 Mar 2012 | 05:46 am

Harvard Business Review on Doing Business in China Publisher: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation This book seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the issues that foreign companies will...

Featured-Anand 21 Apr 2012 | 11:02 am

A Henry Crown fellow of the Aspen Institute, he has lectured globally, including at Google, PopTech, the Sydney Opera House, the United Nations, Stanford, and the Harvard Business School.

Application Help and Tips : Harvard Business School 10 Nov 2010 | 01:43 pm

Our team recently interviewed several Harvard Business School Alumni about their admissions criteria to get up to date information about What is Harvard looking for? when they choose a candidate. We h...

Is Your Brand Different? 30 Jul 2010 | 08:41 am

Having recently finished reading Different by Harvard Business School Professor, Youngme Moon, it got me thinking about which brands in the active lifestyle market truly stand out from the competitive...

give innovation the right environment to survive 9 Oct 2011 | 02:11 pm

I recently listened to a Harvard Business Review podcast interview with Muhtar Kent the CEO of Coca-Cola. Now, I have mixed feelings about the value to our society of the products that they produce. H...

current affairs on 06.05.2010 15 May 2010 | 06:38 pm

06.05.2010 Politics &the Nation 1. Nohria named Harvard dean 1.1. Harvard Business School (HBS) has appointed Nitin Nohria as its new dean, and in doing so chosen as its head a man who believes manag...

Harvard University 19 Dec 2011 | 03:23 am

India is for the production of very talented and skilled professionals in the world known. Today's news is the decision to appoint Mr. Nitin Nohria to India after the dean of the Harvard Business Scho...

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