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Vijf iOS apps voor het strand 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm

Een dagje strand. Heerlijk! Maar je wéét dat je een uur in de file staat voordat je er bent. Dus kan je maar beter voorbereid te werk gaan. Waar kan je het best naartoe voor de beste watertemperatuur?...

Who?: Nederlandse ‘Wie is het?’ met Facebook-vrienden 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm

Het Nederlandstalige Who? probeert het traditionele gezelschapsspelletje Wie is het? nieuw leven in te blazen. Ja haakt de game aan je Facebook-account, daagt één van je vrienden uit en krijgt vervolg...

More jailbreak apple tv related news:

Jailbreak Apple TV 2 process 11 Apr 2012 | 08:04 am

Though millions of people are now enjoying the use of this new technology, the apple TV; and as they gained first hand information about it, maybe they might just have wanted this little bit of knowle...

jailbreak apple TV: designed to play digital content 11 Apr 2012 | 08:04 am

There are two versions of Apple TV that came out in the market quite closely together. The two versions have specific differences. Even in their appearance, you could tell which are the 1st version an...

Jailbreak Apple TV 2 process 11 Apr 2012 | 08:04 am

Though millions of people are now enjoying the use of this new technology, the apple TV; and as they gained first hand information about it, maybe they might just have wanted this little bit of knowle...

Best Buy: Jailbreak Apple TV 2 11 Apr 2012 | 08:03 am

The Apple Company has seen much success with its line of electronics that are bought up by the millions by the consumers of today. Apple products are seen as the highest excellence that technology can...

*UPDATED* Jailbreak Apple TV 2nd Gen – 4.4.4 9A406a iOS 5.0.1 17 Mar 2012 | 07:24 pm

UPDATE 4/2/12 – If you have updated to AppleTV 5.0, there is now a jailbreak method and XBMC available. Check this post for updated info and downloads for version 5.0 (9B179b iOS 5.1). Today, I succe...

How to Jailbreak Apple TV 2G 5.0 Using Seas0nPass 15 May 2012 | 01:18 am

Jailbreaking allows users a lot of power and flexibility to install apps that are not possible on the stock Apple devices. In this article we will explain how to jailbreak Apple TV 2G 5.0 using Seas0n...

Jailbreak Apple TV 2 (4.4.4) untethered 9 Jan 2012 | 02:56 am

Rieccomi dopo quasi un "secolo" di silenzio... gli impegni della vita reale, come potete ben immaginare, sono una priorità. In tutto questo tempo sono cambiate molte cose e non mi riferisco al panoram...

Jailbreak Apple TV OS 5.0.2 with Seas0nPass 8 Jun 2012 | 12:26 am

Apple has released a new firmware update for Apple TV, the iOS 5.0.2. The update devoted to the correction of minor bugs, and it doesn’t include new developments. Nito TV strikes once again and pu...

evasi0n: More than 100000 Downloads in just 10 Minutes of its Release 4 Feb 2013 | 11:36 pm

Evad3rs finally released evasi0n iOS 6/6.1 untethered jailbreak tool for all iOS devices. Evasi0n can also jailbreak Apple TV 2 but Apple TV 3 have no luck right now. Evasion is one of the most await...

HotSpot WiFi en iPhone 14 Jan 2011 | 05:38 am

El día de ayer Apple liberó la primera beta del iOS 4.3 para iPhone/iPod Touch/Apple TV e iPad. Para el caso de iPad tiene varios gestos nuevos, que hacen interesante la multitarea por ejemplo para ca...

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