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Herding Code 177: Anthony vander Hoorn on Glimpse Internals 22 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am

At NDC, K Scott and and Jon talked to Anthony vander Hoorn about the how he and Nik built Glimpse and how it’s evolved over time. Download / Listen: Herding Code 177: Anthony vander Hoorn on Glimpse...

GIFs from a developers life 14 Aug 2013 | 09:55 pm

Great post, I’d add this one though. Whenever you have to fix a bug in some old code.

More javascript reflection related news:

A Button Enabled Extender... 26 Oct 2009 | 07:15 am

ASP.NET AJAX extenders are really functional; they use a managed JavaScript development approach.

5 أدوات مفيدة لمطور الويب 1 Nov 2010 | 06:49 pm

Javascript unpacker and beautifier لترتيب وتنظيم أكواد JS PHP CSS Browser Selector ملف صغير الحجم لكتابة Fixes لمجموعة من المتصفحات، خصوصا IE browsers resizeMyBrowser لتجربة قياسات مختلفة للشاشة، أد...

HTML5 Audio: Browser Self Test 23 Mar 2012 | 09:15 am

Created a small html5 page today to check which audio format your browser support in HTML5. It is using a Javascript code to detect browsers audio status dynamically and show the result. I also adde... 19 Sep 2008 | 07:00 am

Welcome to my personal blog. While Google is a play on googol, too is a play on the much smaller number - two. It also means "in addition", as this blog reflects my life outside of work.

Identity: 29 Jun 2011 | 02:35 am

The developers of online shop approached us to draw a logo for their project. The guys wanted to have a sign that would reflect the “Shopping is Fun” spirit but at the same time be “contempor...

DeepLeap – tolles Wörterpuzzle zum Zeit tot schlagen 6 May 2009 | 09:23 am

Findige Internetnutzer haben ein neues Javascript-Spiel des jQuery-Gurus John Resig namens DeepLeap entdeckt. Ziel des Spiels ist es, aus den zur Verfügung stehenden Buchstaben (englische) Wörter zu ...

Reflective Series Samsung Galaxy S3 Cases i9300 - Blue 30 May 2012 | 06:49 pm

Source : Price : USD $29.3 product type : USD $Mobile Phone Accessories ---------------------------------...

Reflective Series Samsung Galaxy S3 Cases i9300 - Red 30 May 2012 | 06:49 pm

Source : Price : USD $29.3 product type : USD $Mobile Phone Accessories ----------------------------------...

HTML5 Video Web Server Configuration Gotcha 28 Aug 2011 | 06:37 pm

While finishing up a project over the weekend I ran into an issue where the video player just displayed an infinite loading screen rather than actually playing. Odd. I checked the JavaScript console t...

Welcome 13 Jan 2009 | 01:28 pm

Since July 2003 we have done development work (in WAP 1/2, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS2, PHP4/5, ASP, Perl, Javascript (including AJAX) or Flash MX 2004/Flash 8) for The Royal Oak Inn, Wetton, Stafford...

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