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Natural Remedies for feet 14 Feb 2012 | 11:58 pm

They walk, run, jump, dance, often forced into ever much daring styles from shoes, our feet and toes all day supporting the weight of a body in constant motion, this one must got to take some care . A...

random fantastical SYTYCD peeps 8 Feb 2012 | 07:12 am

This weekend I went to a dance convention and took several classes from some pretty fantastical teachers… :D Allison Holker, the girl on the right (I’m the nasty, sweaty one on the left), is a PHENOM...

The best waiter that ever waited 16 Apr 2011 | 12:30 pm

Sometime before I hit puberty, during one of my family’s several annual trips to a square dance convention, we stayed in a hotel that had a restaurant and a small video game arcade, with both a Pole P...

fun-filled Christmas Party 2012 29 Dec 2012 | 11:31 am

Watch the video after the jump! dance stance As Activity Director of Royal Bellingham Luxury Assisted Living Residences, I never get to a point when I get tired and stop from making a day-to-day life...

Flip Flop Dance Jam, non-stop crazy for iOS 26 Jun 2013 | 08:19 pm

Our friends at Wiggle Planet have released a bizarre new app called Flip Flop Dance Jam. FFDJ features crazy little creatures called Wiglets, that jump, dance, and interact with each other. "A Wiglet ...

The best waiter that ever waited 16 Apr 2011 | 05:30 am

Sometime before I hit puberty, during one of my family’s several annual trips to a square dance convention, we stayed in a hotel that had a restaurant and a small video game arcade, with both a Pole P...

Twilight Dance Convention Website and Logo Design 11 Jul 2013 | 01:19 am

D4 Advanced Media recently launched the Twilight Dance Convention website. Initially, we discovered how to best reach their target audience and designed their logo with that in mind. The next step was...

Caring for Summer’s Minor Mishaps…. Sprains and Strains 15 Aug 2013 | 10:47 pm

Sprains & Strains This part of the YinOva Center First Aid Essentials series on Sprains and Strains is for anyone who has ever run, jumped, danced, rode, or landed. In other words all of us. A spra...

Fishin' with Miss Add 14 Jul 2012 | 01:55 am

A little over 10 weeks ago Miss Add broke her leg riding a horse.  For most kids that is 10 summer weeks spent without swimming, running, jumping, dancing, or even sliding down a slide. We couldn't ta...

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