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香港分區 24 Jan 2013 | 12:49 pm

香港共有十八個區,每個地區都有其獨特魅力。而中環、尖沙咀及旺角更是全香港都繁華的區域,你值得一去。 中環 作為香港心臟與金融商業中心,中環匯集了許多國際殿堂級品牌專門店、設計師品牌名店、高級餐廳,展現一種高格調的購物環境。畢打街是其中一條最繁忙的街道,其兩旁銀行及品牌專門店林立,而設計極富現代感的「LANDMARK置地廣塲」是這個精華地段的著名商場,不少國際名牌都在此開設旗艦店,包括Louis...

新年倒數 9 Jan 2013 | 08:56 pm

在跨年夜裡,以香港夜景之最的維多利亞港作舞台,上演熱鬧精采的煙火匯演—幻彩詠香江,在燈火耀眼的摩天大樓映照下,維多利亞港的上空金光閃閃,場面十分壯觀美麗,使得港灣格外美麗動人,成為全球萬眾矚目的焦點。而銅鑼灣的時代廣場,亦是熱門跨年焦點,當點亮第15顆蘋果的時刻,絢麗的煙火層層盛放,繽紛多彩的氣球緩緩飛向天際,為寒冷冬日帶來熱鬧的浪漫情懷! 而今年的除夕烟火匯演將移師到會展舉行,以「新年.新世界...

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Is Advertising Ruining the Internet? Where is the new Proxomitron 10 Feb 2012 | 04:13 pm

Larry Greenberg wrote a good piece on the topic "Is Advertising Ruining the Internet" back in May 2011. I don't want to be a hypocrite as we take some Google advertisement that pays the hosting cost o...

Steve Jobs, 1955 - 2011 7 Oct 2011 | 06:41 am

We at Google were shocked and saddened yesterday to hear about the death of Steve Jobs. Steve's work has inspired and delighted many of us for decades, and we will miss him. Please read Larry and Ser...

Well Hung Mariana Cordoba 24 May 2011 | 09:34 pm

This transsexual is not like most of shemales. Her cock has incredible big size! It is fat, ling and nice hanging between her long legs. Her name is Mariana Cordoba and she is a typical Brazilian Ts. ...

Hunks Kris And Dolph Enjoy Some Hot Foot Play 25 Jan 2011 | 08:18 am

Kris Evans and Dolph Lambert are certainly excellent representations of what Bel Ami Online is all about. Talk about fucking gorgeous - not to mention well hung! Things begin in the shower, where the ...

Well-Hung Bald Man 19 Jan 2011 | 08:42 am

I'm Butch Dixon. I run my own gay porn site featuring mostly hairy, but always masculine men. I've followed things over here at MaleBlue for quite a while. I love this blog and I love the design, but ...

Aaron Blows Well Hung Hunk Taylor Hamilton 19 Jan 2011 | 07:50 am

Cute, quite well hung hunk Taylor Hamilton is pretty much straight, but that doesn't mean he didn't cum back to Suck Off Guys for more action! Aaron was his servicer this time around and as usual, he ...

Larry Miller - 2010 - Unfinished Business [320] 2 Dec 2010 | 12:00 pm

This is Larry's 6th CD and best to date. Unfinished Business has it all. Nine tracks of sheer Blues / Rock pleasure, wailing guitar - a bit of acoustic and outstanding ballads. (Full Covers) LINK

My Tattoo, what, where and why I did it 21 Dec 2010 | 04:14 am

When I was 16 my father gave me a framed copy of the Rudyard Kipling poem titled “IF” which hung on my wall for the entire duration of my high-school career. This poem was very special to him and when...

Page Rank Explained by Sergey Brin 29 Apr 2008 | 03:06 am

Just completd reading of The Google story by David A.Vise here some notes i have taken from that book about page rank “I’m Sergey Brin and that’s Larry over there. I’m gonna jump right into it here,” ...

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