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Want to Review the MOMENTUM Anthology for a Blog Carnival? 5 Apr 2012 | 02:15 am

Now that the excitement from the MCON 12 weekend is slowly winding down, we have other business to attend to – we have an ebook for sale and we want bloggers and writers to review it for us on their o...

Change in the Program 2 Apr 2012 | 12:41 am

Due to a family emergency, Abiola Abrams will be unable to attend and present her session.  We wish Abiola love and hope to see her again when we return to NY. We are fortunate to have Therese Schech...

More momentum con photos related news:

Lavoretti con Photo pearls 17 Jul 2009 | 07:09 pm

I tre piccoli artisti hanno realizzato un sacco di opere con le perline che ora aspettano di essere regalate o incorniciate! Lo schema del miciotto lo trovate qui. Questo quadro (ca. 30X30 cm) è comp...

Family's Day Out con Photo Shoot 15 Mar 2009 | 02:00 am

Hubby just recently joined a photography club since he wants to sharpen his skills and learn the art behind photography. When he bought the camera a couple of months ago, he was just practicing by him...

Bloggable TV wrote a new post, Revolution Decks Out Comic-Con [Photos], on the site Revolution NBC Fansite for the JJ. Abrams TV Series 13 Jul 2012 | 02:46 am

Bloggable TV wrote a new post, Revolution Decks Out Comic-Con [Photos], on the site Revolution NBC Fansite for the JJ. Abrams TV Series NBC's Revolution promotion at Comic-Con is charging up. The netw...

Family's Day Out con Photo Shoot 15 Mar 2009 | 03:21 pm

Hubby just recently joined a photography club since he wants to sharpen his skills and learn the art behind photography. When he bought the camera a couple of months ago, he was just practicing by him...

Sviluppa la tua passione per le foto… con un click! Corso di fotografia di base, comprensivo di 4 lezioni, 2 di teoria e 2 di pratica, da 2 h 30 min c... 20 Oct 2012 | 01:27 am

Scattare foto ti affascina e pensi di avere anche un certo talento innato? Affina le tue capacità, apprendendo le tecniche fotografiche di base: immortalerai immagini uniche! Con Prezzofelice paghi so...

I attended Taiyou Con 2013 7 Jan 2013 | 09:55 am

For anyone who came to this website looking for Taiyou Con photos that I took… I won’t be able to process and upload them until I get back home on the 11th. It will probably take at least a few days a...

Apple pubblicizza iPhone 5 con “Photos Every Day” 28 Apr 2013 | 04:12 pm

iPhone Rumors - Apple ha appena varato un nuovo spot Tv per pubblicizzare iPhone 5. In particolar modo, la nuova pubblicità si focalizza nel mettere in evidenza i pregi della fotocamera e la maniera ...

Virtual Offices – Pros and Cons 1 Feb 2013 | 06:48 pm

(Photo credit: Wikipedia) Many new businesses are choosing to operate virtual offices instead of carrying out day-to-day business in the traditional office environment. Commuting costs, travel expens...

San Diego Comic-Con (Photos & Video) 21 Jul 2013 | 05:47 am

Ben attended Comic-Con today to promote his upcoming film ‘Seventh Son’. Check out photos from the panel, autograph signing and various press interviews in our gallery. Gallery Links: 028 x ‘Seventh...

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