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A heuristic for formatting code according to the AAA pattern 25 Jun 2013 | 12:20 am

This article describes a rule of thumb for formatting unit tests. The Arrange Act Assert (AAA) pattern is one of the most fundamental and important patterns for writing maintainable unit tests. It st...

Where to put unit tests 17 Jun 2013 | 02:22 pm

The article provides arguments for (and against) putting unit tests in libraries different from the production code. One of my readers ask me "whether unit tests should be done in separate assemblies...

More mvc global error handling related news:

Error handling in ASP.NET MVC3 12 Apr 2011 | 08:38 pm

[HandleError] In ASP.NET MVC (versions 1 to 3) we have the [HandleError] attribute, that will allow us to handle errors in a very easy way. Just by decorating an action (or controller if we want to ...

Using Application_Error in ASP.NET MVC’s global.asax to Handle Errors 2 Jul 2011 | 07:14 am

ASP.NET MVC’s controllers have great error handling capabilities and can be easily extended to cater for application specific requirements. However, many developer don’t want to manage errors at a con...

ASP.NET MVC Error Handling using the HandleError Filter 26 Jan 2011 | 02:54 am

ASP.NET Errors can be effectively handled using the HandleError filter, which specifies how exceptions which are thrown in a controller method are to be dealt with (note that ASP.NET MVC supports meth...

Using Application_Error in ASP.NET MVC’s global.asax to Handle Errors 2 Jul 2011 | 03:14 am

ASP.NET MVC’s controllers have great error handling capabilities and can be easily extended to cater for application specific requirements. However, many developer don’t want to manage errors at a con...

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