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[NaughtyNicepost] Enunciation 5 Nov 2012 | 06:39 pm

[Naughty]: Ya know,  I love saying the word DICK. [Nice]: I do know…you even put that word in a perfectly non-sexual word too. [Naughty]: oh yeah? which one sweets? [Nice]: …ridiculous. [Naughty]: non...

The non-operative word is not “sorry.” 12 Jun 2013 | 07:51 pm

I’m going to be writing about transition regrets and/or reversal of transition (sometimes from folks who remain trans-identified).  Before I do, though, it seemed necessary to finish and put this arti...

Catalogue d'exposition Les sujets de l'abstraction - 53,01 € 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

A nouveau disponible. Le choix d’une centaine d’œuvres issues de la collection de la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art retrace l’histoire de la peinture non-figurative expressionniste à Paris, du milieu des...

d377 GT1 Test Painting 9 Jul 2013 | 12:58 pm

[130703] Non-figure paintings are generally pretty few and far between, but I think I may be on the verge of changing that. Non-fanart paintings are also in the same boat. The GT1 is a car I designed...

Aliens in Hollywood 12 Jul 2013 | 11:20 pm

Photo courtesy of Great Beyond on Flickr “Must have unrestricted work authorization to work in the United States.” These are the 11 non-negotiable words tucked away at the bottom of a job posting th...

Hackathons aren’t just for geeks. London Green Hackathon welcomed all and sundry to hack for good! 8 Feb 2012 | 05:24 am

What is a Hackathon? To a non-programmer with a background in corporate software sales & marketing the word “hack” conjures up images of swarms of programmers attempting to break into closed governme...

Dropbox permette di visualizzare su iPhone file World,Excel,PDF o PowerPoint 28 Feb 2010 | 09:25 pm

RISERVA DI FILE Un punto debole dell iPhone: non è possibile salvare sul telefono i file Word, Excel, PDF o PowerPoint. Per fortuna ci viene in aiuto l’applicazione Dropbox. Gratuita, permette all’ute...

Misunderstood Song Lyrics 15 Feb 2007 | 02:07 pm

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly misunderstanding song lyrics. In many cases, I never figure what’s actually being sung until I see the words in writing. Here are some examples of song lyric...

140 is too long & other Twitter RT Best Practice 18 May 2012 | 09:02 am

I posted the following words about RTing (retweeting) on the Link4Growth subscriber forums earlier this evening, but figured it’s worth sharing with non-subscribers too (although why you wouldn’t subs...

A picture post 23 Mar 2012 | 01:05 am

I started this post while we were still in China… figured I would post this while I gathered pics/thoughts for the next post.  We are home and we are surviving.  “Surviving” is the key word.  Things a...

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