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Samsung call Apple to task. 28 Jul 2012 | 11:39 am

The court case between Apple and Samsung just got more interesting. Apple are always touting their innovation and Samsung has just pointed out in court that the iPhone would not exist had it not been ...

Oracle attacks Google for $$$ 19 Apr 2012 | 07:12 pm

I’ve recently been reading the Oracle verses Google court case at Groklaw and I must say I am surprised at one thing. Apache Harmony (an Open Source Java SE.) has been around for a very long time, Sun...

More php string pattern related news:

PHP String conversions – what is the out put of the following code snnipet? 1 Mar 2012 | 08:13 pm

In the above snippet; it will out put the ’2400 is greater’, which is correct. but what if the (int) is removed from the snippet. Then the answer will be “800 is greater”, which is incorrect. Theref...

PHP Email Scraper using Proxies 4 May 2012 | 07:19 am

PHP Email Scraper using Proxies on Search Engines and save emails as XML, Excel, JSON, Text files

PHP Design Patterns: Das Registry Pattern 3 Jan 2012 | 03:53 am

Vorwort Ich beschäftige mich schon seit einiger Zeit mit Design Patterns im Softwaredesign, vor allem mit der Umsetzung in PHP. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich euch heute das Registry Pattern beziehun...

Nejlevnější WOW karty 60 dní 20 Aug 2009 | 06:03 am

Nalezli jsme LEVNÉ WOW karty na 60 DNÍ. Nabídku jsme nalezli zde: WOW karta 60dní za 570,- do 30minut <

Five common PHP design patterns 24 Dec 2009 | 11:17 pm

Hi All I hope this article will help you guys a lot with some basic stuff we could use in designing applications or rather you do re-factoring in your code. Main design pattens discussed in this art...

PHP String Replace 10 Oct 2011 | 12:40 am

To replace characters in an existing string: $new_string = str_replace (‘b’,'a’,$string); a = text you want to find b = text you want to replace $string = string you want to find Example: $string = ‘I...

ereg_replace — Replace regular expression 21 Jan 2008 | 06:28 am

ereg_replace — Replace regular expression This function scans string for matches to pattern , then replaces the matched text with replacement string ereg_replace ( string $pattern , string $replacemen...

eregi — Case insensitive regular expression match 21 Jan 2008 | 04:59 am

eregi — Case insensitive regular expression match This function is identical to ereg() except that it ignores case distinction when matching alphabetic characters. int eregi ( string $pattern , string...

ereg — Regular expression match 21 Jan 2008 | 04:35 am

ereg — Regular expression match Searches a string for matches to the regular expression given in pattern in a case-sensitive way. int ereg ( string $pattern , string $string [, array &$regs ] ) patte...

String Operators 28 Dec 2006 | 08:49 am

There is only one string operator in PHP (string concatenating operator). For details:

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