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Preview Google Nexus 3 A.K.A Nexus Prime 28 Jun 2011 | 05:55 pm

Kabar kedatangan generasi ketiga lanjutan ponsel Nexus Google telah berhembus. Konon ponsel ber-OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich ini bakal disebut Nexus Prime. Nexus Prime nantinya akan menggantikan pos...

Como anunciar no Google Shopping 1 Dec 2011 | 02:03 am

Como anunciar no Google Shopping 30/10/2011 O Google lançou recentemente o seu comparador de preços como informamos em um post anterior. O Google Shopping é uma ferramenta de busca e comparação de pr...

Google shopping now starts to behave like Google Places too 4 Apr 2011 | 12:59 am

I haven’t been able to update this blog lately due to heavy involvement with my software and client projects. However, I recently came across something quite interesting – another google angle on cha...

Google+ Badges are now out of Preview 17 Nov 2011 | 08:21 pm

Google+ Badges are now out of Preview from Nov 16, 2011. You can use the badges on your site byb just copy past the script from the following link

How to get found in Google Shopping 24 Nov 2011 | 02:55 am

Would you like to sell more products online at a lower cost per sale than via pay-per-click advertising? Selling over the internet is becoming more and more competitive. To get an edge you need to rea...

Google Shopping mikt op Nederlandse webwinkels 3 Jun 2011 | 05:55 am

Nu op Webwinkels Blog. Google introduceert vandaag officieel Google Shopping in ons land. De vergelijkingssite, nog altijd in bèta, wordt met argusogen bekeken. ‘Als Google echt wil, kan het de verge...

Fonctionnalité de Google Live Preview ! 16 Dec 2011 | 06:11 am

Fonctionnalité de Google Live Preview ! Google a commencé cette semaine  à déployer une fonction de prévisualisation en direct sur ses pages de résultats. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité est très discr...

Prepara tu web para Google Instant Preview 23 Dec 2010 | 08:00 pm

Google lanzó recientemente Instant Preview, una nueva funcionalidad del buscador que nos permite ver en los resultados de búsqueda capturas de pantalla de las páginas listadas. En principio, Instant P...

Uso di Google Shopping – Come pubblicare i propri Annunci in Google Shopping 4 Jan 2012 | 02:43 am

Da un po’ di mesi è sbarcato anche in Italia un nuovo Servizio di Google rivolto a tutti i negozi e-commerce e al popolo degli acquirenti online, si chiama Google Shopping. Questa nuova piattaforma we...

Google Shopping… 29 Nov 2010 | 11:17 pm

J’ai connu Google plus fanfaron sur la sortie de certains services. Car il faut bien le dire, concernant la sortie de Google Shopping, Google a été étrangement discret. On en vient même à se demander ...

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