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PlayStation 3 – FirmwareUpdate 4.46 27 Jun 2013 | 10:29 am

Nach dem missglückten Firmware Update für die PlayStation 3 Spielekonsole von Sony mit der Version 4.45, bei dem es einige Probleme gab, falls der Nutzer eine größere Festplatte verbaut hatte und dami...

PlayStation 3 – FirmwareUpdate 4.31 30 Oct 2012 | 10:29 am

Heute morgen hat Sony ein optionales Update für die Spielekonsole PlayStation 3 freigegeben. Laut Hersteller enthält dieser Patch lediglich einen Fix, der das Spielen von “Monster Hunter Portable 3rd ...

More remote play ps3 related news:

Ps3 media server 26 Feb 2012 | 04:25 am

Setting up the ps3 media server The Sony PlayStation 3 has many interesting features beyond being able to play PS3 games and Blue-Ray DVDs. One of these features is the ability to stream media conten...

Gioco remoto da PS3 con la nuova NGP 1 Feb 2011 | 04:39 am

Dalla rete trapelano alcune interessanti specifiche sulle funzionalità della prossima console Sony NGP, l'erede dell'attuale PSP. In particolare si parla della possibilità del remote play, gioco remot...

PlayStation Vita 15 May 2012 | 03:09 pm

PS Vita Features: Experience Remote Play on your PS Vita where your PS Vita can tap into your PS3 so PS3 games and content are easily assessable on your PS Vita Front and back multitouch screens, mo...

Social Video Tube-Share Video-Grab-Embeed-Remote-Play 17 May 2012 | 01:33 pm

Social Video Tube-a Way To Promote Your Video Author by SVT SocialVideoTube one of the Asian Video sites. Everyone can Watch Videos on SVT. People can upload video via feature grab from,...

Sony Vita and Remote Play 6 Mar 2012 | 09:27 am

Last Wednesday the Sony Vita came out for north america and I was one of the few people who had it pre-ordered. Traded in two broken playstation 2s, 2 broken psps, a handfull of ds games and a broken ...

IntensaFire Plug & Play PS3 Rapid Fire Controller Mod Now Available 2 Jun 2010 | 08:07 am

The PS3 IntensaFire from BGRMods brings rapid fire to the PlayStation 3 in a plug & play package. The PS3 IntensaFire modifies newer PS3 Dual Shock 3 controllers to enable blistering rates of fire and...

SONY PS3 Media/Blu-ray Disc Remote 8 Jun 2012 | 05:02 pm

Sony PS3 Disc Remote Review There are gamers that use the Sony PS3 console for gaming and other functions, there is also many people, along with gamers, who are buyng the PS3 console to use as an a.....

Got the Blues? So does Tru Blue 30 Jun 2012 | 02:48 am

Well If any follow the scene we all know what Tru Blue Dongle is, and for those that dont when 3.55 Firmware was hacked, True Blue was one of the first "Teams" to bring the capability to play Ps3 game...

Ps3 media server 25 Feb 2012 | 11:25 pm

Setting up the ps3 media server The Sony PlayStation 3 has many interesting features beyond being able to play PS3 games and Blue-Ray DVDs. One of these features is the ability to stream media conten...

Sleeping Dogs Walkthrough – Part 14 – Listening In Let’s Play PS3 XBOX PC 5 Jan 2013 | 04:21 pm

Sleeping Dogs Walkthrough – Part 14 – Listening In Let’s Play PC XBOX PS3 ( Gameplay / Commentary ) Part 1 – Sleeping Dogs Walkthrough! Let’s Play Playthrough of Sleeping Dogs with Liv...

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