Most ruby toto slug related news are at: – · Thoughts on design, art, media and philosophy

Simplified Complexity 17 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am

The visual beauty of an interface, or indeed everything else, is dictated by the harmony of its parts. Should every element of the composition work in concert to support one another, with nothing stic...

3 Parts of Good Visual Interface Design 14 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am

Reduced to its fundamentals, good visual interface design seems to me to be composed of three parts, or requirements. How well each is met will dictate the quality of the work. If all are satisfied, w...

More ruby toto slug related news:

YUI TreeView with Ruby on Rails 27 May 2008 | 03:48 pm

Here’s some code I’m using to generate a dynamic tree view using an acts_as_tree model with slug and title fields, the TreeView widget from YUI, and a Rails helper. I chopped out some of the code for ...

Quick way to use Amazon CDN with toto 22 Jul 2011 | 08:00 am

Just a few days back Amazon released an official Ruby SDK for Amazon Web Services (AWS). I found out about it through an introductory article on I figured writing a quick script to up...

nyankodMagz Edisi 15: Lumpia Inheritance 18 Feb 2013 | 11:27 pm

Membuat aplikasi kotak saran dengan Ruby on Rails {{ download:count slug="unduh-nyankodmagz-edisi-15" }}  Download

Artikel Pertama Untuk Blog Kecilku 17 Aug 2013 | 11:15 am

Berawal dari niat saya mencoba blog engine kecil nan imut ini (Toto) yang beroperasi di lingkungan Ruby On Rails, Saya setengah sadar order domain untuk di pake di blog ini. Kenapa saya ...

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