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Why I hate my iPhone 5! 7 Dec 2012 | 09:46 am

Ever since I purchased my first Macbook Pro about 6 years ago I have been a stalwart Apple supporter. I have always loved Apple products. That is why it is somewhat hard for me to write this blog post...

BetterLinux Released! 20 Jul 2012 | 12:34 am

BetterLinux software was officially released at Hostingcon 2012. What is BetterLinux you ask? Its a new software product that does what its name implies. It makes linux better by allowing a system adm...

More simple scripts related news:

How to login to your server using SSH in PuTTY. 15 Apr 2012 | 01:37 pm

PuTTY is a free telnet and open source terminal emulator. I often use PuTTY to connect to my server for some reasons like creating a backup files, running simple scripts, deleting, moving files, and e...

Backup websites and MySQL database on a linux webserver 9 Mar 2010 | 07:06 am

One of the servers my company has, runs CentOS with plesk 8 on it. Unfortunately there isn’t any easy way to backup all the sites and databases on the server, so I created a nice simple script to do j...

How to download photo’s or video’s with a simple Bash script 18 Jul 2011 | 01:38 am

Here is the simple script which downloads all photos from Just save the file as in a directory and run it. It will save all photos found. Here is the simple script which downloa...

Convert WMA to MP3 27 Jul 2010 | 10:58 pm

Here is a simple script I’m using to convert wma music files to mp3:

How to Cache Everything on the WD TV LIVE Due to a Slow Network 27 Oct 2010 | 05:23 am

This is a simple script I wrote to perform one-way sync to mirror my server’s media folder on my WD TV LIVE‘s external hard drive. I have to run such a script because the wifi-N signal in my TV cabine... 3 Mar 2009 | 01:09 am

ScriptGenerator is a project i start creating with my good old friend, Cristian Bozeanu, and I end up administrating myself. The idea of the website is quite simple: scripts, code generators and tools...

Simple Script to Help Your Work 14 Jun 2008 | 03:42 am

Using Autohotkey, we can simplify the way we work on Windows. Here I show a simple example. We will made simpler way to access Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowePoint First, open notepad or any text edi...

How to prevent your site from being hacked ? 25 May 2011 | 01:52 pm

1. Software and Scripts Up to Date. If for some reason your running an old version of phpbb, or maybe an old vbulletin or even a simple script, make sure you upgrade them to the latest version. That ...

Nuevo Parche 1.10.4 2 Sep 2009 | 11:26 pm

Se ha añadido al Gestor FEBB soporte para reseteo de ligas. Es un simple script que facilita la labor de los comisarios al comenzar una nueva liga manteniendo los equipos antiguos y estadísticas de lo...

Generating Printable Calendars 2 Nov 2005 | 02:30 pm

...In which we see a simple script to grab printable calendars from the web.

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