Most space rpg iphone 2d related news are at: – Games iPhone - Games and widgets for iPod and iPhone

Zoombies! Animales de la Muerte 4 May 2013 | 04:03 am

Zoombies! Animales de la Muerte seeks to answer the age old question: “What would happen if there was a zombie apocalypse in a Mexican zoo?” The answer is a fun and bizarre mix of cute and gruesome, a...

Top games of iOS of the week 23 Apr 2013 | 06:11 pm

NewreleasesthisweekintheAppleStorearemarkedbythereturntotheforeoftwolargecompanies‘mobiledevelopment’:HalfbrickandZeptolab,creatorsofJetpackJoyrideandCuttheRoperespectively. Thefirstchangeofthirdandsu...

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