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Come on ubuntu release already 9 Oct 2011 | 08:54 pm

After looking at the new stuff available in unit tests: I am really sold! At a mere glance I can already see two things that would be supremely useful in...

Diem 5.0 stable released 12 Mar 2010 | 03:47 am

Some of the great people that wrote code, tests, translations, doc and submitted issues: The world will remember March 11 2010 as the day Diem 5.0 stable was released! Champagne! Diem development ha...

Konu: Yakut Yayınları 8. Sınıf Matematik Yaprak Test - by: admin 16 Jan 2013 | 02:25 am

Yakut Yayınları 8. Sınıf Matematik Yaprak Test (

LibreOffice 4.1 beta 27 May 2013 | 05:29 pm

Så kan vi alle begynde at afprøve betaversionen: LibreOffice 4.1 beta rtelease notes: LibreOffice 4.1.0 beta1 (2013-05-25)

Fatal Error when using Fixtures with Doctrine 2 30 May 2012 | 06:58 pm

I am a Symblog 2 beginner and I’m following this tutorial for Symblog2: I have created my Data Model and tried to populate test data...

Your Questions About Prostate Cancer Treatments 15 Jan 2012 | 04:05 pm

Robert asks… Prostate Issues!! Need Help!? I recently found that my prostate is swollen, I am 34 years old and my Doc sent me to have a PSA blood test. I’m scared to death. I’ve researched this and ...

Der iRobot Roomba 530 im Test 5 Apr 2012 | 05:09 am

Längst sind die Zeiten vorbei, in denen man sämtliche Arbeitsschritte der Hausarbeit mühsam selbst erledigen muss. Dies zumindest lässt einen der Hersteller des iRobot Roomba 530 glauben. Ob diese doc...

Breaking News: Debian moves to LibreOffice 25 Jun 2011 | 01:02 am

Debian has dropped OpenOffice and included LibreOffice. LibreOffice has been available in testing since March and I’ve been curious when it was going to be stable, now it is and I’m glad. After all De...

Hug a FSF/GNU Programmer Day! 19 Jun 2011 | 08:16 am

Linux + Google OS + Chrome aim to make the browser the future. Look at Microsoft Office vs. OpenOffice/LibreOffice vs. Google Docs. Notice in US + Canada the browser app is cuttin...

OCIDescribeAny Can Allocate Memory 12 Jan 2012 | 01:29 pm

The doc is silent on the matter, but my testing shows pretty clearly that OCIDescribeAny is allocating memory and attaching it to the OCIDescribe in/out param. So never reuse OCIDescribe structures w...

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