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"Do the best you can and never stop" 10 Aug 2012 | 01:48 am

-- Steven Wiltshire mug Permalink | Leave a comment  »

"I told them they didn't understand life" 5 Aug 2012 | 03:11 am

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More tony hsieh quote related news:

Delivering Happiness 26 May 2009 | 01:41 am

An interesting topic from the Web App Summit ... "Tony Hsieh's Delivering Happiness keynote presentation at the 2009 Web App summit in Newport Beach, CA outlined Zappos' commitment to culture and cus...

‘Delivering Happiness’ Book Review And Thoughts 22 Jun 2010 | 07:49 am

I was excited when I received a package from Amazon a week ago with a copy of Tony Hsieh’s book ‘Delivering Happiness’. I actually got a copy for free because of some contest on twitter or something b...

Mutluluk Dağıtmak (Delivering Happiness) 13 Jan 2012 | 12:57 pm

Tony Hsieh‘in iş ve özel hayatında öğrendiği dersleri paylaştığı “Delivering Happiness” (Mutluluk Dağıtmak)  kitabı hızlıca ve keyifle okunabilecek tarzda.  Kurum Kültürü oluşturma yolundaki deneyimle...

Quel rôle pour le service clients en 2010 ? 15 Sep 2010 | 08:09 pm

Tony Hsieh, CEO de Zappos, marque bien connue pour sa promesse (delivery Happiness) et pour son service clients exemplaire, donne les 7 moyens pour faire en sorte d'avoir un service clients irréprocha...

Hiring and firing based on cultural fit 26 Jan 2011 | 06:39 am

This week I’m tuning in to listen to Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, talk about the unique culture he and his team have built at Zappos. That got me thinking about corporate culture in general and just how...

CEO of, Tony Hsieh shares his experiences starting up a business 10 Mar 2011 | 02:32 pm

Some insightful tips on building your business – from someone who’s been there Loic Le Meur held an interview with Tony Hsieh CEO of – Tony shares with us the highs, the lows, the joys and...

The Science of Happiness 2 Jul 2012 | 05:29 am

I’ve been casually studying the science of happiness for some time. Tony Hsieh introduced the idea to me about four years ago. He suggested a few books, wrote his own book on the subject and we’d disc...

삶의 다음 장 28 Jul 2012 | 12:28 am

2년전에 창업을 준비하면서 이런저런 책들을 읽었다.  재미있게 읽었던 책 중에 하나가 Zappos 의 CEO 인 Tony Hsieh 의 이야기인 Delivering Happiness 인데 그 중에서도 가장 마음에 드는 대목은 바로 아래 문단이었다. 이 부분이 너무 마음에 들어서 책에 있는 내용을 타이핑 해서 옮겨두었고, 힘이 들때마다 이 내용을 다시 꺼내...

Delivering Un-happiness! 16 Jan 2013 | 01:30 am

Last year, a friend of mine recommended me a book – “Delivering Happiness” by Tony Hsieh. Entrepreneurs who run an eCommerce business would have read it at least once, if not more. But I know of some,...

Dinner with Tony Hsieh 18 Jan 2013 | 12:35 am

I won a contest and get to have dinner tonight in Vegas with one of my all-time role models, Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.  I’m super-excited about the opportunity but could use some help.  If I can only...

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