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What happened to the Labour shield? 26 Apr 2012 | 05:30 am

Leanne Wood in a key article has called for the Welsh Government- which professes to uphold social justice- to take up their previous promise to "shield the people of Wales against the Tory cuts". Th...

Child Benefit Whine Unites The Political Tribes 7 Oct 2010 | 12:17 am

Nothing, it seems, unites the political tribes like a good whine. In the run up to all the evil Tory cuts, this is particularly evident in the reaction to the proposals on child benefit. Tax breaks f...

Milk Snatchers Strike Again 1 Aug 2012 | 04:04 pm

London, 1 August 2012 Statement Shameful Tory cuts cost London gardener dear Milk depleted as fat-cats run riot ‘They may as well have poured it down the drain’ says Balls Ed Balls, shadow chanc...

Discurile HRD sunt mai rapide decât cele SSD 24 Jun 2009 | 04:38 am

Cercetători britanici au făcut un mare pas între discurile dure şi discurile de tip solid state. Noile discuri de tip HRD ar putea fi dispozitivele de stocare cu cele mai bune performanţe dar şi cele ...

GW Hotel Hires Infants and Homeless to Management Team 17 Apr 2011 | 09:30 am

WASHINGTON DC / GW – The State Plaza Hotel, located on Eye Street near GW, has recently hired a homeless man and an infant as managers, in an effort to cut costs and improve productivity, reports Crap...

Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services 26 Dec 2011 | 04:27 am

CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - On a recent shift at a Chicago emergency department, Dr. William Sullivan treated a newly homeless patient who was threatening to kill himself. "He had been homeless for ...

Police numbers to be cut in Lincs 26 Oct 2010 | 05:58 am

Police numbers in Lincolnshire are likely to be cut as a result of the draconian ConDem Coalition austerity package. So what does Tory MP John Hayes for South Holland and the Deepings have to say abo...

carl gjellerup -- călători în eternitate 18 Oct 2011 | 04:11 am

o carte plăcută. o carte pentru o grădină în care susurul apei este acompaniat de ciripitul rândunelelor.

Tory council makes homelessness basically illegal 2 Mar 2011 | 10:32 am

Tory-run Westminster City Council, the richest council in the UK, is proposing a byelaw to make it illegal to “lie down or sleep on any public place” and is to ban charities giving homeless people fre...

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