Most use of tm symbol related news are at: – Andrew P. Lahser, Patent Attorney and Trademark Lawyer

Can a Canadian company recieve a US trademark? 12 Apr 2012 | 03:09 am

If my company does some business in the US, but is located in Canada, can we secure a US trademark for out company name? (already have the Canadian one) ~ Victoria, BC, Canada Yes. Foreign companies...

Can a Canadian company recieve a US trademark? 11 Apr 2012 | 11:09 pm

Yes. Foreign companies may apply for US trademarks. Can a Canadian company recieve a US trademark? by Andrew P. Lahser, Patent Attorney and Trademark Lawyer

More use of tm symbol related news:

How to use the ® and TM Symbol 12 Mar 2012 | 05:09 pm

Can I legally use the TM symbol before I apply for a trademark registration? Placement and use of the TM symbol On this page: 1. choosing the correct trademark symbol, 2. placing the tm symbol, 3. u...

How to use the ® and TM Symbol 12 Mar 2012 | 09:09 am

Can I legally use the TM symbol before I apply for a trademark registration? Placement and use of the TM symbol On this page: 1. choosing the correct trademark symbol, 2. placing the tm symbol, 3. u...

Facebook is the NEW Google… 17 Jan 2011 | 05:44 am

If you’re just using Facebook(TM) to play games and chat with friends, you’re missing out on a HUGE opportunity… Thousands of Internet marketers are getting huge ...

Beijing Opera Markers and Face-Painting 22 May 2012 | 05:39 am

One particular of the additional dazzling aspects of your Beijing Chrome is the Markers and Skin Make-up used to represent the various people in a generation. Your use of a symbol colors, stylized lin...

History of the Symbol of Peace! 12 Jan 2010 | 07:26 am

The first famous person to use the peace symbol was pacifist Bertrand Russell. His group, The Committee for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) used it during a protest march in 1958 for nuclear disarmament in ...

Eagle Tattoo – Eagle Tattoos Designs and Pictures 2 Apr 2012 | 06:21 am

Tattoos are one of the ways that people identify themselves. Well, Eagles are used as symbols in many religions. Native Americans, Hindus and other religions have used Eagles as symbols. Eagle is also...

Turkish Lira Symbol 2 Mar 2012 | 12:12 am

Turkish Lira now has a new symbol. Just like Euro or Dollar, TL will be used with a symbol. Turkish Lira’s (Türk Lirası in Turkish) new symbol is announced today via Turkey Central Bank and the symbol...

LADYBUG SIGHTINGS!!! 13 Jul 2006 | 12:48 am

There is a fun little thing around the China adoption community called a "ladybug sighting." Ladybugs are considered good luck in China, and are often used as a symbol for these beautiful adopted chil...

Reiki Healing and Candles 13 Sep 2011 | 01:16 pm

Reiki Healing and Candles Reiki is an ancient healing practice that employs the use of universal energy to aid the mind, body, and spirit. Through the use of mantras, symbols, and hand gestures the Re...

Solve Unstable Streamyx Connection Using TM Proxy Server 29 Apr 2010 | 12:24 pm

This problem has been affecting my broadband network stability for the past few days. Solved unstable Streamyx connection by using alternative TM Proxy Server. Try it out. It works. Screenshot / steps...

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