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start 15 Aug 2013 | 09:02 am

Owing to spam activity we are having to restrict edit access to this wiki. This might take a little while to sort out. Please stay tuned for new access control arrangements - in the mean while, if you...

sydney 15 Aug 2013 | 09:01 am

The next meeting will be held: * The Date: Tues 1 October, 2013 * The Time: 6pm - 6:30pm start * The Book: TBC * At: Offices of Ninefold at level 15, 2 Market St (The entrance is on Kent St) Sydney. ...

More ux book club related news:

UX Buch Club Köln – Donald Norman "Living with Complexity" – 31.1.2011, 19 Uhr 23 Nov 2010 | 08:37 pm

Donald Normans neues Buch "Living with Complexity" ist erschienen und kann bestellt werden (Amazon*). Update 2011-01-05: Der Termin steht: 31.1.2010, 19 Uhr. Alles Weitere im UX Book Club-Wiki! Upda...

Info sobre el UX Book Club 16 Jan 2012 | 04:13 am

Somos un grupo variopinto en orígenes y contextos profesionales. Nos interesa UX en lo sentido más amplio: Usabilidad, Experiencia de usuario, Arquitectura de la Información... y nos reunimos cada dos...

Reprogramming Digital Distraction 17 Aug 2011 | 03:24 am

I recently moderated a UX Book Club meeting in San Francisco where we discussed Douglas Rushkoff’s latest book, Program or Be Programmed. The basic premise of the book is that technology has biases th...

UX Book Club SP 28 Feb 2013 | 11:04 pm

O UX Book Club são comunidades espalhadas ao redor do mundo com o objetivo de desenvolver as habilidades e conhecimentos dos profissionais de Design de Interação, Arquitetos de Informação, especialist...

chicago 11 Jul 2013 | 04:17 pm

UX Book Club Chicago is now being organized through Meetup. <>

Bryce tonight at UX Book Club in Columbus 13 Jul 2010 | 06:42 am

[Original post] Time: July 12, 2010 from 7pm to 8:30pm Location: Lextant Street: 580 North 4th Street, Suite 610 City/Town: Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 412-519-7565 Join us in July for our next meetin...

UX Book Club: “How to Get People to Do Stuff” with Susan Weinschenk - 12.08.2013 19:00 3 Aug 2013 | 02:49 am

We all want people to do stuff. Whether you want your customers to buy from you, vendors to give you a good deal, your employees to take more initiative, or your spouse to make dinner—a large amount o...

Six Easy Steps to Start Your Own Book Club 6 Nov 2008 | 08:19 am

If you’re in the market for a little intellectual conversation, some camaraderie and a grand time, joining a book club is an excellent way to go. Unfortunately, it’s quite possible that you won’t find...

Book Club Sandwich n°3:Vous les connaissiez sucrés? Les voici en version salée et vice versa 29 Nov 2011 | 01:38 am

Encore un exemplaire génial de la collection Grain de sel dans laquelle est également publié Cuisine Kawaï. Encore un livre que j’aurais adoré écrire! Le premier livre de Véronique Chapacou est un vra...

Book Club Sandwich n°2: JF suédoise cherche cobayes 28 Nov 2011 | 11:09 pm

Au tout début du BloGrimoire, j’avais déjà parlé de Viveka Sandkle , et de son JF suédoise ayant fait le tour du monde, cherche cobayes pour goûter ses inventions (non curieux, s’abstenir). ça fait ma...

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