Most webos games in deb related news are at: –

Nokia N900 Maemo Game: Galaga 11 Apr 2011 | 01:31 am

A little bit on how to play Galaga: See the red button made up of two red arrows? Pressing it on the red left button would make your ship move to the left and shoot. The same goes for the right one. T...

Kasvopus v0.9.6 for Nokia N900 11 Apr 2011 | 01:14 am

Kasvopus is a Facebook client for Maemo or MeeGo devices like Nokia N900. Latest News Simple and clean news feed can be shown to you as soon as you open the app. You can easily browse through latest s...

More webos games in deb related news:

Dolphin emulatore wii e game cube .deb & how to 16 Dec 2011 | 12:36 pm

Dato che al sito ufficiale vengono pubblicizzate inspiegabilmente solo le versioni per Windows e MacOSX, e che i miei .deb precedenti hanno avuto un buon apprezzamento e continuano tutt’ora ad essere ...

10 Games FPS Keren Di Ubuntu 20 Jul 2011 | 10:48 pm

Berikut games FPS (First Person Shooter) yang layak dicoba. Sejumlah games sudah tersedia secara default di repository Ubuntu. Ada juga yang belum tersedia paket deb-nya seperti Cube 2: Sauerbraten. K...

Warrior Life Counter (webOS) 20 Nov 2010 | 05:35 am

The Warrior Life Counter is an app for tracking your life for various games. It was originally designed for use while playing Magic The Gathering, but it can be used with any game. The triangle butto...

Palm at CES 2010. Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, 3D Gaming and more! 10 Jan 2010 | 06:07 am

 So Palm is back at CES this year and they surprised us all again! Here's what is coming down the Palm pipeline: Verizon is brining 2 revamped webOS Smartphones. The Palm Pre Plus, it sports a 16GB....

Hardware-Accelerated DOOM on the Pre 1 Jan 2010 | 08:22 am

Innovative 3D games on the Palm Pre and Palm Pixi may be just around the corner. With the release of webOS 1.3.5, Palm has apparently slipped in a software library called 'Simple Directmedia Layer'...

SPB Brain Evolution for webOS 21 Oct 2011 | 12:08 am

SPB Software announces the webOS release of its famous game, SPB Brain Evolution.

SPB Brain Evolution for webOS 20 Oct 2011 | 08:08 pm

SPB Software announces the webOS release of its famous game, SPB Brain Evolution.

Charles Woodson Jersey 30 Dec 2012 | 01:57 am

rieseses match from the online game acquire, thorough strategy information,Charles Woodson Jersey, repair Deb, Michigan publication and online video regularity much more Chinese language brigade sport...

Rumor surfaces on possible new HP Android tablet and smartphone 17 Feb 2013 | 11:29 am

After abandoning WebOS and making it open source, it looks like HP is now wanting to get back into the tablet game, but this time with a different operating system. Tech blog readwrite has reported th...

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