Most wow hunter pvp pet related news are at: – WoW Blog von Gwyddyn « Word of Warcraft

Zukünftige Entwicklungen von WoW 29 Jul 2013 | 07:57 pm

In China findet zurzeit die Elektronikmesse ChinaJoy 2013 statt. Dort hat sich der Chief System Designer von World of Warcraft, Greg Street persönlich, zu den geplanten Story-Entwicklungen, neuen Rass...

Mists of Pandaria und Level 80 im Nordend 26 Jan 2013 | 08:02 pm

Ja, ich bin wieder on. Seit dem 17.01.2013 zocke ich erneut WoW. Und fasse einmal zusammen, was sich in dieser Zeit ereignet hat und trage noch das ein oder andere vom August nach im Zuge meines Norde...

More wow hunter pvp pet related news:

Video (47 minutes) of Multiboxing Scholomance Instance @ Level 41 3x Hunters 14 Jun 2011 | 02:15 pm

This video is of the 3x Hunter multiboxing team of Tims and we used the LFD system to que and ended up in Scholomance. The hunters are 41, BM spec, and have 3 dps/pvp pets (wolf, fox, dog)  and 3 tan...

Case Study: A World of Warcraft Encyclopedia 21 Oct 2008 | 07:59 pm

Technologies AJAX, JQuery, CRON, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, SEO, Flash, Video, Python WoW Hunter WoW Hunter Pets: A Graphical Encyclopedia for World of Warcraft Gamers. For thi...

Boy Saves Sister from Moose… the WoW Hunter’s Way 22 Jul 2011 | 11:15 am

Hunters are OP… yes. Ghostcrawler should add moose to the game as an additional hunter pet.

Wow hunter pet basics 15 Feb 2011 | 01:34 pm

. It will continue to be played intermittently on ACPS-TV and Depo provera sore breasts soon be? Washburn Papers documenting Metronidazole pancreatitis travels, professionalaffiliations, St. S・・・

WoW Multiboxing Eye of the Storm Level 46 on 3x BM Hunters 16 Jun 2011 | 05:38 am

Here is another PVP video of multiboxing 3x Hunters.  We obliterated this battleground pretty hard core.  One of the major pros to doing this BG was that the action was always really close to where yo...

Molten WoW Addons: Critline 29 Feb 2012 | 02:06 am

Molten WoW Addons Critline Critline is a PvE and PvP addon that will remember your highest hits and crits (including heals and pet attacks), and display them in a fairly simple tooltip. It sports man... 20 May 2011 | 05:37 pm

huehuehue resto dance trying to draw my worgen hunter, Ludmilla (and her pet Lupine) lol. i'm sure all the ~wolf experts~ on lj are cringing have i ever expressed my hated of WoW's obsession with b...

Profession Guide – Hunter 16 Jul 2010 | 12:53 pm

Hunters are one of the most fun classes to play in WoW. Usually in the company of your pet, you will never feel lonely. Their surviving abilities are well known and respected. While leveling Hunters c...

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