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Mother's Day 2013 1 Jul 2013 | 04:52 am

My Mother's Day this year was especially lovely! Not only did I get to enjoy the day with JD and the kids, but we also got to spend time with both of our mothers as well ~ what a treat! JD and A&A&E ...

Homemade Cherry Jam 15 Jun 2013 | 03:35 am

Oh my! I am way behind on blogging. In fact, my last entry was all the way back in April. I'm hoping to do a little catching up over the next few weeks, but before I start sharing what all we've been ...

More Aydn James Peel related news:

Top Gear: kapitein Zeppos achterna 28 May 2012 | 04:09 pm

Jeremy, Richard en James doen een heroïsche poging om het Kanaal over te steken in zelfgebouwde amfibievoertuigen. En Jeremy scheurt met de miniscule Peel P50 door het BBC-Omroepcentrum. Maandag 28 me...