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Force incomplete users to complete registration 9 Nov 2012 | 10:43 pm

Last week I’ve completed social login into our work project using HWIOAuthBundle and I figured out that the twitter oauth wasn’t providing the user email address. Since we use the email address a lot...

The Milky Way, in a better way! 26 Oct 2012 | 01:04 pm

If you follow social networks or just some online newspapers you should have seen the new 9 gigapixel mosaic of the Milky Way. The image is beautiful, but huge in size. Unfortunately you can’t see it ...

Symfony 2.1, PHPUnit and Doctrine fixtures using SQLite 2 Oct 2012 | 02:09 am

Everyone should make tests for their applications, testing is the best way to develop new feature without breaking older ones. In my last article I’ve explained how to run tests of a symfony 2 projec...

Jenkins and Symfony 2.1 10 Sep 2012 | 10:11 pm

At work we’ve started Test-driven development and I was going to use Jenkins for continuous integration and testing. To add a job for correctly running tests within Jenkins i had to fork the xurumelo...

Varnish and MaxCdn not caching, how to solve it 23 Aug 2012 | 06:05 pm

At work we’ve started using MaxCDN service because they’re offering 1TB of data transfer for free (nice offer tbh) for serving images. The problem was that after one week of usage there was no cache h...

Hetzner Failover IP routing tool for openstack 20 Aug 2012 | 08:32 pm

I’ve coded a small script that uses the Hetzner control panel API to re-route a floating ip to the host of the instance which is associated to. It works by querying the Hetzner API to get the failove...

Build an HA Openstack cloud: Nova setup – Part 6 10 Aug 2012 | 09:16 pm

After MySQL, RabbitMQ, Keystone and Glance let’s see how to setup the Nova services to be managed with Pacemaker and make them HA. As the other tutorials when editing  [crayon-503249c2150c9-i/]  also...

Build an HA Openstack cloud: Nova setup – Part 6 10 Aug 2012 | 06:16 pm

After MySQL, RabbitMQ, Keystone and Glance let’s see how to setup the Nova services to be managed with Pacemaker and make them HA. As the other tutorials when editing  [crayon-504e57ac4d938-i/]  also...

Build an HA Openstack cloud: Glance setup – Part 5 31 Jul 2012 | 02:30 pm

As in the Keystone tutorial I assume you’ve already installed Glance and get it working. The differences between the usual setup are: When setting up [crayon-503249c215f98-i/]  and [crayon-503249c21...

Build an HA Openstack cloud: Glance setup – Part 5 31 Jul 2012 | 11:30 am

As in the Keystone tutorial I assume you’ve already installed Glance and get it working. The differences between the usual setup are: When setting up [crayon-504e57ac4e26c-i/]  and [crayon-504e57ac4...

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