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When Are Allergies Worse During The Day 2 May 2013 | 11:51 pm

This is scenario that most of those that suffer from allergies and hay fever in particular, are familiar with. Even before any grass is growing, before any pollen is seen in the air, the symptoms are ...

Allergies to House Plants 2 Oct 2012 | 09:48 pm

Having ornamental plants is a popular choice to add colour and variety to your house or work place, but for some people just being in close proximity to plants is enough to trigger an allergic reactio...

Iodine Allergy: It’s not the same as Seafood Intolerance! 24 Jul 2012 | 01:31 am

The term “iodine allergy” is regularly used as a collective denomination to explain adverse reactions to iodine, ranging from seafood allergies to reactions to iodine-based medical X-rays or other med...

Iodine Allergy: It’s not the same as Seafood Intolerance! 24 Jul 2012 | 01:31 am

The term “iodine allergy” is regularly used as a collective denomination to explain adverse reactions to iodine, ranging from seafood allergies to reactions to iodine-based medical X-rays or other med...

Fever from Allergies: Allergy-induced Low-grade Temperature 15 Jun 2012 | 10:14 pm

A challenging diagnostic for your doctor For most people, fever is not a symptom that is immediately associated with allergies, although your doctor could probably tell you that many allergy sufferers...

Fever from Allergies: Allergy-induced Low-grade Temperature 15 Jun 2012 | 10:14 pm

A challenging diagnostic for your doctor For most people, fever is not a symptom that is immediately associated with allergies, although your doctor could probably tell you that many allergy sufferer...

MSG and Allergy: Science Looking for a Culprit for Over 40 Years 1 Jun 2012 | 04:20 am

In 1968, the New England Journal of Medicine received a letter from scientist Robert Kwok describing a series of symptoms experienced by himself every time he had a meal at a Chinese restaurant. Fitti...

MSG and Allergy: Science Looking for a Culprit for Over 40 Years 1 Jun 2012 | 04:20 am

In 1968, the New England Journal of Medicine received a letter from scientist Robert Kwok describing a series of symptoms experienced by himself every time he had a meal at a Chinese restaurant. Fitti...

Why Do Allergies Make You Cough? 25 Apr 2012 | 01:19 am

There are literally millions of “bugs” that can make us ill, but generally speaking, we remain healthy most of the time and for that we have to thank our immune system. Fortunately, or unfortunately, ...

Why Do Allergies Make You Cough? 24 Apr 2012 | 09:19 pm

There are literally millions of “bugs” that can make us ill, but generally speaking, we remain healthy most of the time and for that we have to thank our immune system. Fortunately, or unfortunately, ...

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