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30k Alpha Legion Great Crusade Infiltration Sniper Squad 15 May 2012 | 01:00 am

Returning once again with a new Alpha Legion unit that I did for a club group project. This time we reach back to the Days of Ole when the Alpha Legion was taking part in the Great Crusade, I have put...

Dark Eldar: Razorwing Fighter 21 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am

One of the first things that appealed to me about this new codex was the new addition of Jet Fighters. A long time realm of Forge World, it was a surprise to see a true aerospace fighter in an army co...

Dark Eldar: Incubi 18 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am

Along with Drazhar I put together a squad of Incubi for the army. I needed some more close combat nastiness that I could mount on a venom, and this unit was an effective choice. In addition I have onl...

Dark Eldar: Drazhar 16 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am

Let me start off with a recently finished HQ choice, Drazhar! Simply put he is a super ninja crazy character for any DE Army. His rules appealed to me, and I wanted to have at least one good close com...

The Dark Eldar Experiment (Part 4) 14 Mar 2012 | 01:00 pm

It's been a while since I posted anything about my Dark Eldar experiment but I haven't abandoned it just yet. In fact I have finished a few units in the last few months I plan to post pics of here. I ...

Tyranids: Mawloc 15 Dec 2011 | 03:00 am

I picked up the Mawloc kit on the day the new nid codex hit the shelves. I wanted to see what this new kit offered with the option to make a trygon, I was curious to see if it could hold up my already...

Tyranids: Reinforcements from the Hive Fleet! 29 Nov 2011 | 03:00 am

Reinforcements have arrived! This is my next wave of hormagaunts to join the swarm. A total of 23 more gaunts will join the swarm to assault enemy forces. These guys were extra gaunts I had laying aro...

Tyranids: Malanthrope 24 Nov 2011 | 03:00 am

The Malanthrope is my third HQ addition to the swarm. A ForgeWorld model with some unique rules and background. The model is smaller then a Hive Tyrant, but it is taller then one. It's not really mean...

The Return of Lord Axalon and his Necron Phalanx 8 Nov 2011 | 03:00 am

It's funny that 2 years ago I made a post on this blog about my Necron forces and here we are 2 years later almost to that date, and guess what we have! WOO HOO! The Toasters are BACK!!! I have to sa...

Tyranids: Deathleaper 15 Oct 2011 | 12:00 am

This is my first Nid Special Character model. The Deathleaper never caught my eye as much as the Red Terror did in the past, but when this bug became part of the regular codex I got one to try it out....

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