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Foto dan Profil Maya Kurnia Indri 25 May 2011 | 09:00 am

Foto Cantik Maya Kurnia Indri. Tadi pas melihat Final Voli Pro Liga di TV, Saya melihat pemain dari Jakarta Popsivo Polwan yang tampak cantik. Nomor punggungya 17, eh ada namanya yaitu Maya Indri. Pen...

JK Pernah Tolak Pembelian Pesawat Xian MA 60 24 May 2011 | 05:31 pm

Pesawat Merpati jenis MA 60 buatan Xian Aircraft-China yang jatuh di Kaimana, Papua Barat belum mendapat sertifikat penerbangan dari Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA) Amerika Serikat. Bahkan Mantan...

Dua Gempa Landa Indonesia Pagi Ini 24 May 2011 | 05:30 pm

Dua gempa di atas 5 skala Richter terjadi di dua tempat di Indonesia pagi ini. Gempa pertama terjadi pada pukul 04.43 di barat daya Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, dengan kekuatan 5,7 skala Richter. Gempa kedua...

Foto Artis Navy Rizki Tavania Upskrit 24 May 2011 | 05:29 pm

Originate on the professionalism, Navy Rizkitavania courage bikini in the film 'Air Terjun Pengantin' . Whereas previously, the virgin birth of Jakarta, January 21, 1993 was only playing as a ordinary...

Foto Seksi Paha Mulus Artis Maia Estianty 24 May 2011 | 05:28 pm

Maia Estianty Find New Challenge in his career Maia Estianty seems to want to seek new challenges in his career. She explained that currently he was like behind the scenes because the music she's alr...

Foto Seksi Artis Cathy Sharon di FHM Magazine 24 May 2011 | 05:27 pm

Ridho Rhoma: Proven Work Me and Cathy Sharon OK Not denied by the singer Rhoma Ridho, if proximity to Cathy Sharon often invite questions. However, he believes, about the soul mate is in the hands of...

Foto Artis Lotta Aleksandrovna Senk ( Senk Lotta ) 24 May 2011 | 05:26 pm

Senk Lotta Biography : Full name, Lotta Senk Alexandrovna, but she is more better known as Senk Lotta. Senk Lotta, is a model of Uzbek origin who end his career in Indonesia. Diperistri by actor Fau...

Foto Artis Ingrid Kansil photoshoot Session 24 May 2011 | 05:25 pm

Ingrid Kansil Biography : Ingrid Maria Palupi Kansil or better known by Ingrid Kansil was a star acting, and also host a number of product commercials. Born in Cianjur, November 9, 1976, Ingrid began...

Foto Artis Ingrid Kansil Photoshoot with Shoes Collections 24 May 2011 | 05:24 pm

Ingrid Kansil Cares Nation Cultural Preservation Artists who are also members of the council, Ingrid Kansil, seems to want to help preserve the national culture in different ways.She showcased kebaya...

Foto Artis Indonesia Inggrid Kansil 24 May 2011 | 05:23 pm

Ingrid Kansil Ready to Promote his father Ingrid Kansil, member of Parliament from the Democratic Party, expressed readiness to become a successful team and campaigners of his father, H Setyabudi Kan...

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