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The Power of Myths 8 Aug 2013 | 08:03 am

The first time I encountered the word myth was in the context of my English class, discussed as a traditional sacred story, a form of literature, which usually expounds on the acts of gods and goddess...

On the Dark Side of Charity 24 Jul 2013 | 02:00 am

Driving along the familiar roads of Makati, I find that it is almost impossible for one to never see a homeless person begging, literally, on the street; their gray, unwashed hands knocking on windows...

How to Become Disillusioned with Finding Love 5 Jul 2013 | 07:08 am

Image taken here. Watch Hollywood romantic movies.  Believe that everyone has a one true love.  Etch into your soul the conviction that you will find that one guy who will inevitably accept you for e...

Update and A New Blog 25 Jun 2013 | 04:54 pm

Hey guys! I have a new blog! Please click on the link below to check it out: The Manila Survival Guide I know, I know, I haven't been blogging here lately. What can I say? Life, as usual, is getting...

Kickstart 18 Jun 2012 | 09:12 am

I haven't been blogging lately, I know, and I plan on changing that soon.  I stopped earlier this year primarily because  I was a little burned out, and blogging was starting to feel a lot like work, ...

Plagiarism, Anonymity and Cowardice 18 Feb 2012 | 11:01 pm

Someone plagiarized half my blog posts and when I asked her to take it down, she left anonymous  comments on my blog calling me "immoral" (paraphrasing here, she said worse things I'd rather not repea...

War Paint 22 Dec 2011 | 12:11 am

photo You start with the eyes, because they say those are the windows to the soul.  A touch of mascara perhaps, some eyeliner, and slight dark eye powder to give you that smoky look. Then the cheeks. ...

Whatever Gets You Through the Day 6 Dec 2011 | 09:14 am

photo I was a freshman in law school when my friend Mike was accepted by a university in Australia for a master’s degree. He took up Finance, under a scholarship program given by a prestigious interna...

Whatever Gets You Through the Day 6 Dec 2011 | 04:14 am

photo I was a freshman in law school when my friend Mike was accepted by a university in Australia for a master’s degree. He took up Finance, under a scholarship program given by a prestigious interna...

Fickle Cattle is PBA's Best Personal Blog for 2011 5 Dec 2011 | 07:32 am

Great news! I won in the Philippine Blog Awards for Best Personal Blog! Thanks everyone for the well-wishes and support! :-) :-) :-) Promise I'll put up a post soon. Much love, Fickle Cattle Full list...

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fikel vs, i`m purposeful, aww thank you don't metion it, "just follow yourself", nini andrade silva, i am glad to have him as a friend and brother, i am ifickle,, fickle

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