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Untitled 22 Mar 2013 | 08:51 pm

I have some explaining to do. 6 Feb 2013 | 12:49 am

I realize I've been absent for the longest time I've ever been.  Errrrm... almost half a year?? To be honest, I lost the love I once had for blogging.  I felt like it was more of a chore.  And having...

I have some explaining to do. 6 Feb 2013 | 12:49 am

I realize I've been absent for the longest time I've ever been.  Errrrm... almost half a year?? To be honest, I lost the love I once had for blogging.  I felt like it was more of a chore.  And having...

2 1/2 months old! 30 Aug 2012 | 07:37 am

And since I haven't updated on Vinny in like 2 months... or pretty much since his birth ::hides in corner:: I have a picture overload.  To say the least. I never imagined how much work it would be to...

2 1/2 months old! 30 Aug 2012 | 07:37 am

And since I haven't updated on Vinny in like 2 months... or pretty much since his birth ::hides in corner:: I have a picture overload.  To say the least. I never imagined how much work it would be to...

Gianna is 3? 3 Aug 2012 | 06:53 am

Yep.  My "baby" is a 3 year old.  Say wahh??  It's been busy around here, which is why it's been errrrm.... a month since I last posted :/  I feel like I'm always tending to kids, doing laundry (I nev...

Gianna is 3? 3 Aug 2012 | 06:53 am

Yep.  My "baby" is a 3 year old.  Say wahh??  It's been busy around here, which is why it's been errrrm.... a month since I last posted :/  I feel like I'm always tending to kids, doing laundry (I nev...

Newborn photos :) 6 Jul 2012 | 08:22 am

I've been so bad about posting, I know.  I feel like I barely have time to take a poop in peace lately... it's been busy having 2 kids to say the least.  You mamas who are back to regular blogging wit...

Newborn photos :) 6 Jul 2012 | 05:24 am

I've been so bad about posting, I know.  I feel like I barely have time to take a poop in peace lately... it's been busy having 2 kids to say the least.  You mamas who are back to regular blogging wit...

Birth Story. 28 Jun 2012 | 09:23 am

Sorry this is so late... I've been a little busy the past week and a half HA! So here it is ~ Tuesday the 12th, I woke up feeling ok.  I got Gianna ready & went to the gym (for the last time!).  I w...

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carters, twitter, foreste, astheforeste, we leave e, becoz it wouldint work, becoz it wouldn't work, 1 year old is always, law school "blogspot com", law school

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